SchildiChat / schildichat-desktop

Matrix client / Element Web/Desktop fork
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how compile to windows #53

Closed AnonymousWebHacker closed 3 years ago

AnonymousWebHacker commented 3 years ago

I would like a wiki or guide on how to compile for windows, thank you very much

su-ex commented 3 years ago

Would be nice indeed, but till now I've only been building for Windows on Linux. Thus I'm not sure what the required steps are to build for Windows on Windows. Building for Windows on Linux should be simple and the steps are shown in the readme.

SpiritCroc commented 3 years ago

I did try to get a working building setup on Windows initially, but did not finish it since the I ran out of storage in my VM, and noticed building for Windows also works on Linux. Here are the (unconfirmed) steps that I wrote down while doing so, that might hint you in the right direction:

Build setup


Use make, if you can install that on Windows (untested), or just run the Makefile commands for web and desktop manually.

AnonymousWebHacker commented 3 years ago

I was asking to compile from linux, but it's true, it's in the readme, I just don't understand, let me see it calmly. One question, is the visual studio necessary for something? or are you just referring to a normal text editor?

Thank you very much to abos for your quick response :)

AnonymousWebHacker commented 3 years ago

When I try to compile, I'll tell you how it went, and close the issue

AnonymousWebHacker commented 3 years ago

So? 1 - Dependences vim curl git make gcc g++ libsqlcipher-dev pkg-config libsecret-1-dev bsdtar curl nodejs>v14.x yarn

2- curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh $ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"' >> .bashrc $ source .bashrc

3- git clone repo cd repo, nano conf.json and make windows-setup && make debian

only that?

su-ex commented 3 years ago


  1. If you're on Debian, just run these for the dependencies: (if you're on another distro, you need to figure out what you need, they might be named different or not exist as package)
  2. Initial setup:
  3. If you want a custom config, better copy the config.json from configs/sc to configs/your-config and adjust it only there.
  4. Then (with 3.) you can call CFGDIR="configs/your-config" make windows-setup-release debian-release (for a Windows setup and a Debian package, if you need Windows only, leave Debian out).
su-ex commented 3 years ago

accidentally hit close

SpiritCroc commented 3 years ago

One question, is the visual studio necessary for something? or are you just referring to a normal text editor?

The "visual studio command line tools" allow you to install nmake and rust on Windows by installing the c++ support package. They are not required if you can get the required tools from somewhere else. On Linux, it's easier to get all required dependencies directly.

AnonymousWebHacker commented 3 years ago

Thank you both for your quick response and for helping me. I hope you keep improving this fork, I hope to give you sujestions

su-ex commented 3 years ago

Did you get it working? Any concrete suggestions on how to improve the readme or what's missing? Otherwise please close this so it doesn't get stale.