Schildkroet / Candle2

GRBL control interface in Qt.
GNU General Public License v3.0
203 stars 56 forks source link

does not accept commands {} #15

Closed zab-ig closed 3 years ago

zab-ig commented 3 years ago

Hello. The program does not accept commands in curly braces {}. For example (finding the center of the hole ): G21G91; {var f = 100;var ff = 10; var r = -30; var d = -2}; G38.2Y{-r}F{f}; G38.4Y{d}F{ff}; {var q1 = vars.PRBy}; G38.2Y{2*r}F{f}; G38.4Y{-d}F{ff}; {var q2 = vars.PRBy}; {var q = (q1+q2)/2}; G90G0Y{q};

gives this error: ERROR: Expected command letter ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Expected command letter ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Bad number format ERROR: Expected command letter ERROR: Expected command letter ERROR: Bad number format

In the program version 1.2b, these commands work. Can you add these commands to your version?

Schildkroet commented 3 years ago

Hello, this feature is not included here and not planned for now.