SchizoDuckie / DuckieTV

A web application built with AngularJS to track your favorite tv-shows with semi-automagic torrent integration
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Problem importing from trakt #877

Closed knowair closed 7 years ago

knowair commented 7 years ago

What build of DuckieTV are you using (Standlone / Chrome Extension (New Tab / Browser Action)) ...Standalone Windows 64

What version of DuckieTV are you using (Stable 1.1.x / Nightly yyyymmddHHMM) ... Nightly 2017/03/18

What is your Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android) ...win10

Describe the problem you are having and steps to reproduce if available ... cannot import shows or collected shows

A New install of DTV, verified trakt account no problem, click on the option to do a full import, and although the screen loads with the empty poster boxes and yellow spinning icon. it did not move on from there.

I've done this 3 time now!

first time i did a data wipe and re-connected, needed to force close after few hours, tried using the "just import Collection" option and had to force close after a few hours of spinning yellow icons

The second time i re-installed DTV with the latest nightly tried with and without the "Collection only" ticked, and had to force close each time

The third time i reinstalled again and revoked Duckie's trakt add-on authority to force it to re-auth from scratch. tried with and without the "Collection only" ticked, and had to force close each time

this last time I left it 14 hours! by the evening some of the posters did appear and in the bottom right the green database updating panel showing 0/8 and stopped there (I have hundreds of shows on trakt), so i left it overnight, after 24 hours the poster boxes and green update panel were gone but no shows were added to duckie.


Adding shows manually works fine, so i'm still happily using duckie! but would like to be able to link to trakt.


Also, tried a fresh install on android and cannot auth trakt, duckie opens it's own browser window to get the auth code and when you click back the duckie page re-loads and you cannot enter the code.

Attach any DuckieTV statistics or Developer Console logs if available ...

garfield69 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report.
I'll set up my sandbox and begin some trial tests to see if I can replicate your problem and trace the issue.

I am going to split the android issue into a new ticket so that it can be tracked, managed and closed separately. [Edit] #878 created for the Android Trakt.TV auth report.

garfield69 commented 7 years ago

I am sorry, but I cannot replicate your problem.

On my sandbox, starting with a fresh install of Windows 7 x32 DuckieTV Standalone Nightly v201703200830, I did the following:

Presumably your imports are being interrupted by some error condition or event, and looking at the log may be the only way to shed some light as to why this is not working for you.

If on the console log, you right-click your mouse over one of the messages with a image on the left of the text, you should get the option to save as..., so you can dump the log into a text file and uploaded here if you want us to analyse the content for you.

knowair commented 7 years ago

thanks, i'll get the console logs for you later on, fuck knows what i've done to cause this!! :)

knowair commented 7 years ago

this log was save about 30 mins after clicking the import option

knowair commented 7 years ago

dtv looks like this after the log is saved: dtv30m

knowair commented 7 years ago

OK this is weird

2hours later i have just logged in to see the watched episodes updated but not teh collected/dowloaded

i'm not sure what i did differently but this time it's at least part imported some information after ~2.5 hours

Any idea why only the watched episodes and not the collected episodes would import

this pic should show almost all of the shows as collected/downloaded, but it's only got the ones i've actually watched


knowair commented 7 years ago

Sorry forgot to get a log for that then so I've done another import to get one

Changed the extention to Txt to upload


garfield69 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the logs.
So this time I see that your import completed, as all 8 milestones are in the log.
Clearly something was interrupting your previous imports.... perhaps an issue with your regions Trakt.TV server or maybe when you set the client to Transmission the first time initialisations were interrupted.
This causes a reboot of DuckieTV, and if done too soon after startup it might have caused problems...I don't know.

Have you checked with the About page statistics to see of your Series count is 258?

After your last post I went back to take a look at the actual state of the episodes in the database of my sandbox, and I see what you mean.
The episodes from the Collection have been imported but are not marked as downloaded, oops.
The episodes that were marked as watched on Trakt.TV have been set to watched, which is good.
Looking back at the changelog I see that the Trakt.TV import was refactored 6 month ago, but we obviously missed this in our testing.

I'll work on a fix for this.

knowair commented 7 years ago

Sorry for dragging you down a bit of a rabbit hole with this one.

Massive thanks, as always, for your awesome, patience, support!

Long live Duckie!

garfield69 commented 7 years ago

closing as a duplicate of #933 as that one is more on topic.