Schlaubischlump / LocationSimulator

MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.39k stars 184 forks source link

Server Error for './jekyll-server command' not found #185

Closed Fritz6389 closed 9 months ago

Fritz6389 commented 9 months ago


Firstly, thank you for this project. I have been meaning to get this code to run on my Mac. However, even with the updated "Help" and "Localisation" folders, I keep running into "Jekyll not found - check setup requirements". When manually opening the link in the "jekyll-server.command" document, I'm told that the URL does not exist anymore.

I was wondering if there is a fix for this yet.

Thank you for your help.

Schlaubischlump commented 9 months ago

You need to install jekyll. I think its a ruby package. So its probably something along the lines of "gem install jekyll". Sometimes its tricky to get Xcode to recognize the installed jekyll.

Jekyll is needed to compile the Help book you are seeing when you open the "Help" menubar item.

Fritz6389 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for you quick answer!

As you can tell, I'm still new to this. I have installed Jekyll v. 4.3.2 using rbenv. Sadly I'm now shown: "Jekyll not found - check setup requirements"

I know that I need to add Jekyll to the path for Xcode but which of the options under 'LocationSimulator' -- 'Build Settings' I need to modify still remains a mystery to me.

Thank you for bearing with me.

Schlaubischlump commented 9 months ago

I know, that I fixed the problem on my machine, but I don't recall how...

You can try the following:

  1. Figure out where the jekyll binary is. E.g /usr/bin/jekyll. You should be able to figure this out by running which jekyll
  2. Find the build script that calls jekyll. I think it should be somewhere in the Help subproject.
  3. Add the following line to the beginning of the build script (where you replace /usr/bin with the folder where the jekyll binary is installed): PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin
Eirias commented 9 months ago

For everyone who stumbles across this issue as well. My which jekyll printed out: /opt/homebrew/opt/ruby/bin and i added it as @Schlaubischlump mentioned to the beginning of the Run Script to make it work again.

Aaru911 commented 2 months ago

Error installing jekyll: There are no versions of google-protobuf (>= 3.25, < 5.0) compatible with your Ruby & RubyGems. Maybe try installing an older version of the gem you're looking for? google-protobuf requires Ruby version >= 2.7, < The current ruby version is

I'm unable to unstall jerkyll and google protobuf as well ERROR: Error installing google-protobuf: The last version of google-protobuf (>= 2.7) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 3.23.4. Try installing it with gem install google-protobuf -v 3.23.4 and then running the current command again google-protobuf requires Ruby version >= 2.7, < The current ruby version is