Schlaubischlump / LocationSimulator

MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.4k stars 184 forks source link

Swift Compile Error: 'libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice.h' file not found #3

Closed vyder closed 4 years ago

vyder commented 4 years ago

Can you help me debug this issue? I'm not familiar with linking libraries like this and can't figure out where things are going wrong.

Here's what I have done so far:

I still get this error on compile.

Is there something else I can do to check if the other libraries are linking correctly? To see if the issue is isolated to this particular library.

Thanks for your time

Profited commented 4 years ago

Check your linked libraries and frameworks again to see if the HEAD-*** numbers are the same. I did that and it fixed my issue.

vyder commented 4 years ago

Hmm I just double checked that again, and they seem to be correct. Do you know if there are references anywhere else that need to be resolved?

vyder commented 4 years ago

So I opened up the pbxproj file in a text editor and searched for more references.

Turns out that libimobiledevice is linked in Target > Build Settings > Header Search Paths - once I removed and linked that correctly it's compiling now.

For future people - I would recommend checking out the exact same version of libimobiledevice that is used in this project, that way you only have to worry about getting the relative paths correct. Might be easier.