Schluggi / helm-charts

Helm chart for LibreChat
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persistence is not done properly #33

Closed andrewchen5678 closed 1 month ago

andrewchen5678 commented 1 month ago

There are multiple issues with persistence: under the charts/librechat/values.yaml file:

It looks like a copy and paste from another project like meilisearch but forgot to finish adapting it for libre chat

Schluggi commented 1 month ago

Thanks for noticing. I forked it from here including this bug.

persistence will be removed in 1.2.2. Since all important data is stored in a database, its persistence anyway.

andrewchen5678 commented 1 month ago

/images and /logs should still be persisted according to the original docker compose file.

Schluggi commented 1 month ago

Thank you for noticing (again). Now it should implement correctly.