Schlumpf / osmodul

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Cluster Markers #29

Open GeoWill opened 6 years ago

GeoWill commented 6 years ago

Hi, Is it possible to cluster markers based on zoom - the functionality provided by Leaflet.markercluster. Alternatively is it posisble to dip into the JS? Afraid I'm not familiar with Joomla, so don't know if there's an obvious way to just write the javascript myself.

Many thanks Will

efduggan commented 6 years ago

Edit helper.php and insert whatever javascript you need - see the function public static function javascript($params, $id) - it basically returns a string $js which is the script sent to the browser.

GeoWill commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Would I then need to install the modified extension from a local file? Or is there a way to edit the module from the administration login? Thanks again from the help.

efduggan commented 6 years ago

The easiest way would be to modify the file directly using a text editor. It’s located in /modules/mod_osmod directory on your server. There is no way to edit the source code of a module from the admin back end. Do take precautions, such as backing up the files, or working on a test site. Joomla has a good documentation wiki as well that might help you.

Schlumpf commented 6 years ago

There is a way to modify the file from admin back end:

efduggan commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the link. I’m not sure I would use it on a production site, as there are security considerations that one must be aware of and responsible for. For me, I feel it’s best that I edit the files locally on a test system so I don’t impact my users (or myself.)