SchmarrnDevs / Lighty

The Light Overlay Mod with a twist!
Apache License 2.0
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[Crash] Crash when loading an area #64

Open A5ho9999 opened 1 month ago

A5ho9999 commented 1 month ago

Get this random crash when going into a certain area.

Version: Lighty 2.1.2+1.20.1 Minecraft: 1.20.1 Fabric Loader 0.15.7

Description: Unexpected error

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_1299.method_19946()" because "$$3" is null
    at net.minecraft.class_2246.method_26130(
    at net.minecraft.class_4970$class_4971.method_26170(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.api.LightyHelper.protectedIsValidSpawnCheck(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.api.LightyHelper.isBlocked(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.mode.CarpetMode.compute(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.buildChunk(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.lambda$computeCache$2(
    at java.base/java.util.HashMap.compute(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.computeCache(
    at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientTickEvents.lambda$static$2(
    at net.minecraft.class_310.handler$ghf000$fabric-lifecycle-events-v1$onEndTick(
    at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1574(
    at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(
    at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(
    at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
    at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
    at net.minecraft.class_2246.method_26130(
    at net.minecraft.class_4970$class_4971.method_26170(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.api.LightyHelper.protectedIsValidSpawnCheck(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.api.LightyHelper.isBlocked(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.mode.CarpetMode.compute(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.buildChunk(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.lambda$computeCache$2(
    at java.base/java.util.HashMap.compute(
    at dev.schmarrn.lighty.event.Compute.computeCache(
    at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientTickEvents.lambda$static$2(
    at net.minecraft.class_310.handler$ghf000$fabric-lifecycle-events-v1$onEndTick(
andi-makes commented 1 month ago

Hello! Thank you for reporting this issue.

Are you, by any chances, playing with other mods other than Lighty as well? If so, could you check if there is any mod that let's mobs spawn on specific blocks? Or that adds a block that only let's specific mobs (for example: mobs that are immune to fire) spawn?

A vanilla example would be Zombiefied Piglins, which can spawn on MagmaBlocks because they are immune to fire.

I'm currently quite limited in time because of university, so I cannot give an estimation on when I get around to fixing this problem, in part also because this is for a (relatively) old version of Minecraft and my primary focus right now is on surviving university and getting Lighty ready for 1.21. But I will get around to fixing it eventually.

A5ho9999 commented 1 month ago

Yes, that's part of them. There are over 300 mods in the pack so finding which actually causes it would be pretty hard. I have a feeling it may be as that's really the only new mod and the area affected contains these blocks which no other areas do.

Mod list ``` Fabric Mods: abstoneedition: Additional Blocks: Stone Edition 2.1.3 abverticaledition: Additional Blocks: Vertical Edition 1.0.3-b accurateblockplacement: Accurate Block Placement 1.2.1 additionallanterns: Additional Lanterns 1.1.1 adorn: Adorn 5.0.1+1.20.1 ae2: Applied Energistics 2 15.0.22 team_reborn_energy: Energy 3.0.0 airhop: Air Hop 8.0.2 alternate-current: Alternate Current 1.7.0 ambientenvironment: Ambient Environment amecs: Amecs 1.3.10+mc.1.20.1 amendments: Amendments 1.20-1.1.1 mixinsquared: MixinSquared 0.1.1 amethyst_cutting_mr: Amethyst Cutting 1.0 anvilrestoration: Anvil Restoration 2.2 architectury: Architectury 9.2.14 areas: Areas 5.3 armor-stand-editor: Armor Stand Editor 2.1.2+1.20.1 common-protection-api: Common Protection API 1.0.0 fabric-permissions-api-v0: fabric-permissions-api 0.2-SNAPSHOT player-data-api: Player Data API 0.2.2+1.19.3 sgui: sgui 1.2.2+1.20 armorchroma: Armor Chroma 1.2.6 armourers_workshop: Armourer's Workshop 2.1.0 asynclocator: Async Locator 1.3.0 athena: Athena 3.1.1 badpackets: Bad Packets 0.4.3 bakery: Bakery 1.1.3 balm-fabric: Balm 7.2.2 bclib: BCLib 3.0.14 wunderlib: WunderLib 1.1.5 beachparty: Beachparty 1.1.3 beaconoverhaul: Beacon Overhaul 1.8.4+1.20 reach-entity-attributes: Reach Entity Attributes 2.4.0 beautify: Beautify 1.1.0+1.20 bebooks: Better Enchanted Books 1.4.3 beekeeperhut: Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut 2.0.0 beproud: Be Proud 0.1.1 betteranimationscollection: Better Animations Collection 8.0.0 betterchunkloading: Better chunk loading mod 1.20.1-2.3 betterdeserttemples: YUNG's Better Desert Temples 1.20-Fabric-3.0 org_reflections_reflections: reflections 0.10.2 betterdungeons: YUNG's Better Dungeons 1.20-Fabric-4.0 betterend: Better End 4.0.11 betterf3: BetterF3 7.0.2 betterfortresses: YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses 1.20-Fabric-2.0 betterleads: BetterLeads 1.1.0+1.20.1 spruceui: SpruceUI 5.0.0+1.20 bettermineshafts: YUNG's Better Mineshafts 1.20-Fabric-4.0 betteroceanmonuments: YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments 1.20-Fabric-3.0 betterpingdisplay: Better Ping Display 1.1.1 betterstats: Better Statistics Screen 3.9+fabric-1.20.1 tcdcommons: TCD Commons API 3.9+fabric-1.20.1 betterstrongholds: YUNG's Better Strongholds 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3 betterwitchhuts: YUNG's Better Witch Huts 1.20-Fabric-3.0 bigendcitiesmod: Bigger Better End Cities 1.20.1-1.0.4 biolith: Biolith 1.0.0-beta.1 biomemakeover: Biome Makeover 1.20.1-1.11.4 taniwha: Taniwha 1.20.0-5.4.4 blockus: Blockus 2.7.12+1.20.1 bookshelf: Bookshelf 20.1.9 botanypots: BotanyPots 13.0.24 botanytrees: BotanyTrees 9.0.11 bovinesandbuttercups: Bovines and Buttercups 1.10.0+1.20.1-fabric brrp_v1: Better Runtime Resource Pack (BRRP) v1 1.0.1 brrrrock: Brrrrock (Yeeterite) 2.0.0beta10-1.20+ bushierflowers: Bushier Flowers 0.0.3-1.20.1 candlelight: Candlelight 1.2.8 cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 5.2.2 cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 5.2.2 cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 5.2.2 carpet: Carpet Mod 1.4.112+v230608 carpet-extra: Carpet Extra 1.4.115 carpet-fixes: Carpet Fixes 1.20-1.16.1 carpet-layers: Carpet Layers 1.1.0 carpet-tis-addition: Carpet TIS Addition 1.56.1 conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.4.1 carrier: Carrier 1.12.0 advanced_runtime_resource_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.6.7 cat_jam: cat_jam 1.2.1 charmofundying: Charm of Undying 6.4.5+1.20.1 chipped: Chipped 3.0.4 chunksending: Chunksending Mod 1.20.1-2.8 chunky: Chunky 1.3.138 cinderscapes: Cinderscapes 4.0.10 cinderscapes-client: Cinderscapes: Client 4.0.10 cinderscapes-common: Cinderscapes: Common 4.0.10 cinderscapes-worldgen: Cinderscapes: World Generation 4.0.10 terraform-biome-remapper-api-v1: Terraform Biome Remapper API (v1) 7.0.3 terraform-shapes-api-v1: Terraform Shapes API (v1) 7.0.3 terraform-surfaces-api-v1: Terraform Surfaces API (v1) 7.0.3 terraform-wood-api-v1: Terraform Wood API (v1) 7.0.3 clean_tooltips: Clean Tooltips 1.0 clientcrafting: clientcrafting Mod 1.20.1-1.8 cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.1.118 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 clumps: Clumps clutter: Clutter 1.20-0.5.7 collective: Collective 7.36 colormeoutlines: Color Me Outlines 1.1.2 comforts: Comforts 6.3.5+1.20.1 spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.13.15+1.20.1 compress_it: Compress It! 2.5.0 compressedblocks: Compressed Blocks 1.13 connectedglass: Connected Glass 1.1.11 connectivity: Connectivity Mod 1.20.1-4.5 consistency_plus: Consistency Plus 0.5.2-rc.5+1.20.1 stonecutter_recipe_tags: Stonecutter Recipe Tags 5.2.0+1.19.4.fabric continuity: Continuity 3.0.0-beta.4+1.20.1 controlling: Controlling For Fabric 12.0.2 cookingforblockheads: Cooking for Blockheads 16.0.3 cottage-craft: CottageCraft 1.5.0-1.20+Flower cottage-craft-axolotl: CottageCraft Axolotls 1.2.0-1.20.1+ cottage-craft-eggs: CottageCraft Eggs 0.6.9 craftingtweaks: Crafting Tweaks 18.2.3 craterlib: CraterLib 1.1.1 create: Create 0.5.1-d-build.1161+mc1.20.1 com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305: jsr305 3.0.2 flywheel: Flywheel 0.6.10 milk: Milk Lib 1.2.60 dripstone_fluid_lib: Dripstone Fluid Lib 3.0.2 porting_lib_accessors: Porting Lib Accessors 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_base: Porting Lib Base 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_lazy_registration: Porting Lib Lazy Register 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_utility: Porting Lib Utility 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_brewing: Porting Lib Brewing 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_client_events: Porting Lib Client Events 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_entity: Porting Lib Entity 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_core: Porting Lib Core 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_gametest: Porting Lib GameTest 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_mixin_extensions: Porting Lib Mixin Extensions 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_extensions: Porting Lib Extensions 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_attributes: Porting Lib Attributes 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_common: Porting Lib Common 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_fake_players: Porting Lib Fake Players 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_models: Porting Lib Models 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_model_loader: Porting Lib Model Loader 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_networking: Porting Lib Networking 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_obj_loader: Porting Lib Obj Loader 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_tags: Porting Lib Tags 3.0 porting_lib_tool_actions: Porting Lib Tool Actions 2.1.1127+1.20 porting_lib_transfer: Porting Lib Transfer 2.1.1127+1.20 registrate-fabric: Registrate for Fabric 1.3.62-MC1.20.1 porting_lib_data: Porting Lib Data 2.1.1090+1.20 porting_lib_model_generators: Porting Lib Model Generators 2.1.1090+1.20 porting_lib_model_materials: Porting Lib Model Materials 2.1.1090+1.20 croptopia: Croptopia 2.3.0 com_typesafe_config: config 1.4.1 io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref: geantyref 1.3.11 org_spongepowered_configurate-core: configurate-core 4.1.2 org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon: configurate-hocon 4.1.2 ctov: ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village 3.4.2 cupboard: cupboard 1.20.1-2.1 custompaintings: Custom Paintings 2.1.0 dark-loading-screen: Dark Loading Screen 1.6.14 darkpaintings: DarkPaintings 17.0.4 dawn: Dawn API 5.0.0 deathknell: DeathKnell 10.0.4 detailab: Detail Armor Bar 2.6.3+1.20.1-fabric diagonalfences: Diagonal Fences 8.1.3 diagonalblocks: Diagonal Blocks 8.0.2 disguiseheads: DisguiseHeads 1.0.1-mc1.20 doapi: Lets Do Api 1.2.8 dragondropselytra: Dragon Drops Elytra 3.2 dramaticdoors: Dramatic Doors (QuiFabrge) 1.20.1-3.1.5 ears: Ears 1.4.6 earthtojavamobs: Earth2Java 1.10.1 enchanted-vertical-slabs: Enchanted Vertical Slabs 1.9.1 enchantedshulkers: Enchanted Shulkers 1.2.3 io_hotmoka_toml4j: toml4j 0.7.3 mm: Manningham Mills 2.3 enhancedblockentities: Enhanced Block Entities 0.9+1.20 entityculling: EntityCulling-Fabric 1.6.2-mc1.20.1 experiencebottler: Experience Bottler 1.20.1+build.2 extended_drawers: Extended Drawers 2.1.1+mc.1.20.1 config_toolkit: ConfigToolkit 1.0.0 io_determann_shadow-api-17: shadow-api-17 0.1.1 net_fabricmc_javapoet: javapoet 0.1.0 graphlib: Graph Lib 1.4.0+1.20 kmodlib-overlay: KModLib Overlay 0.2.12+1.20 libnetworkstack: Lib Network Stack 0.10.0 noindium: No Indium? 1.1.0+1.20 extensibleenums: Extensible Enums 7.0.1 extremesoundmuffler: Extreme sound muffler 3.41-fabric-1.20 fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2 extshape: Extended Block Shapes 2.1.1-mc1.20.1 extshape_blockus: Extended Block Shapes - Blockus 2.1.1-mc1.20.1 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.92.0+1.20.1 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.31+1802ada577 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.36+1802ada577 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.1+1802ada577 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.41+1802ada577 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.34+f71b366f77 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.13+1802ada577 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.51+df3654b377 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.64+df3654b377 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 4.0.11+1802ada577 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.5+1802ada577 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.19+1802ada577 fabric-data-attachment-api-v1: Fabric Data Attachment API (v1) 1.0.0+de0fd6d177 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 12.3.4+1802ada577 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.54+1802ada577 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.6.0+1c78457f77 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.2+1802ada577 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.63+df3654b377 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.40+1802ada577 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.28+1802ada577 fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.12+1802ada577 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.37+1802ada577 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.35+df3654b377 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.22+1802ada577 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.45+9e7660c677 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.1.9+1802ada577 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.50+1802ada577 fabric-model-loading-api-v1: Fabric Model Loading API (v1) 1.0.3+1802ada577 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.4.2+9386d8a777 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.3.11+1802ada577 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.51+df3654b377 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 11.1.3+1802ada577 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.2+1802ada577 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.21+1802ada577 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 2.3.3+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.2.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.5.1+1802ada577 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.46+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.37+92a0d36777 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.28+1802ada577 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.49+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.8+1802ada577 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.10+1802ada577 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.8+1802ada577 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.30+1802ada577 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.13+1802ada577 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.3.4+1802ada577 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 4.3.1+1802ada577 fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.18+kotlin.1.9.22 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.9.22 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.9.22 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.22 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.22 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.23.2 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.2 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.2 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.2 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.7 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 fallingleaves: Falling Leaves 1.15.4 fancysporeblossom: FancySporeBlossom 1.1.0 farmingforblockheads: Farming for Blockheads 14.0.2 fastrandom: Faster Random 2.0.0 ferritecore: FerriteCore 6.0.1 floralench: Floral Enchantment Fabric-1.20.1-1.1.4 flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 2.0.1 forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 8.0.0 forgottengraves: Forgotten Graves 1.20.1-3.2.5 freecam: Freecam 1.1.10+1.20 friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 2.0.9 fusion: Fusion 1.1.1 gammautils: Gamma Utils 1.7.16 geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.4.2 com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib: mclib 20 geophilic: Geophilic v2.1.0-mc1.20u1.20.2 giant_crops: Giant Crops 1.0.1 glassbreaker: Glass Breaker 1.4.0 glasscarpet: Glass Carpet 1.1.1-1.20 gpumemleakfix: Gpu memory leak fix mod 1.20.1-1.8 handcrafted: Handcrafted 3.0.6 harvestwithease: Harvest with ease headfix: Head name fix 1.2.2 headindex: Head Index 1.1.3 common-economy-api: Common Economy API 1.1.1 icarus: Icarus 1.16 iceberg: Iceberg 1.1.18 immersive_paintings: Immersive Paintings 0.6.7+1.20.1 improved-signs: Improved Signs 1.3.1 omega-config: OmegaConfig 1.2.3-1.18.1 indium: Indium 1.0.30+mc1.20.4 infinitetrading: Infinite Trading 4.3 invview: InvView 1.4.12-1.20+ iris: Iris 1.6.17 io_github_douira_glsl-transformer: glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13 org_anarres_jcpp: jcpp 1.4.14 org_antlr_antlr4-runtime: antlr4-runtime 4.11.1 isometric-renders: Isometric Renders 0.4.5+1.20 worldmesher: Worldmesher 0.4.2+1.20 item_obliterator: Item Obliterator 2.1.0 jade: Jade 11.8.0 jamlib: JamLib 0.6.1+1.20.x java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 jeed: Just Enough Effects Descriptions 1.20-2.1.7 jmc: Just More Cakes! 1.13.1 justplayerheads: Just Player Heads 3.3 languagereload: Language Reload 1.5.10+1.20.1 leaky: leaky Mod 1.20.1-1.6 lighty: Lighty 2.1.2+1.20.1 lithium: Lithium 0.11.2 loading-window: Loading Window 1.0.0 logprot: Logprot Mod 1.20.1-3.1 mavapi: More Axolotl Variants API 1.1.3 mavm: More Axolotl Variants Mod 1.2.4 mcserverdescription: MC Server Description 4.2.1+1.20.1 meadow: Meadow 1.3.4 memoryleakfix: Memory Leak Fix 1.1.5 memoryusagescreen: Memory Usage Screen 1.9.0 mergedstats: MergedStats 1.2.0 mes: Moog's End Structures 1.3-1.20-fabric midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1 minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1 mkb: ModernKeyBinding 1.2.0 mmode: Maintenance Mode 1.1.1 org_apache_commons_commons-compress: commons-compress 1.21 moblassos: Mob Lassos 8.0.1 modmenu: Mod Menu 7.2.2 moonlight: Moonlight 1.20-2.10.9 more-axolotl: More Axolotl 2.0.1 moreculling: More Culling 1.20.4-0.22.1 morecullingextra: More Culling Extra 1.1-1.20.1 morefrogs: More Frogs 1.20.1-1.2.5-fabric moreladders: More Ladders 1.3-1.20 moremcmeta: MoreMcmeta 1.20.1-4.4.7 moremcmeta_animation_plugin: MoreMcmeta Animation Plugin 1.20.1-1.0.3 moremcmeta_gui_plugin: MoreMcmeta GUI Plugin 1.20.1-1.0.1 moremcmeta_json_parser_plugin: MoreMcmeta JSON Parser Plugin 1.20.1-1.1.1 moremcmeta_properties_parser_plugin: MoreMcmeta Properties Parser Plugin 1.20.1-1.1.5 moremcmeta_texture_plugin: MoreMcmeta Texture Plugin 1.20.1-1.0.1 moremobvariants: More Mob Variants 1.2.2 morestats: More Stats 1.3.0 morezombievillagers: More Zombie Villagers 3.5 mousewheelie: Mouse Wheelie 1.13.0+mc1.20.1 amecsapi: Amecs API 1.5.1+mc1.20-pre1 coat: Coat 1.0.0-beta.20+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_annotated: tweed4_annotated 1.3.1+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_base: tweed4_base 1.7.1+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_data: tweed4_data 1.2.1+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_data_hjson: tweed4_data_hjson 1.1.1+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_tailor_coat: tweed4_tailor_coat 1.1.3+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_tailor_lang_json_descriptions: tweed4_tailor_lang_json_descriptions 1.1.0+mc1.20-pre1 tweed4_tailor_screen: tweed4_tailor_screen 1.1.4+mc1.20-pre1 mr_banner_flags: Banner Flags 2.1 mr_cherry_villages: Cherry Grove Villages 1.0.3 mr_ctov_beautifycompat: CTOV - Beautify Compat 2.0 mr_ctov_croptopiacompat: CTOV - Croptopia compat 2.0 mr_ctov_friendsandfoescompat: CTOV - Friends and Foes Compat 2.0 mr_ctov_villagerspluscompat: CTOV - Villagers Plus Compat 2.0 mr_gardeners_dream: Gardener's Dream 1 mr_purpurpack_breedaxolotlwithtropicalfishitem: Breed Axolotl With Tropical Fish Item [PurpurPack] 1.2 mr_purpurpacks_moredyedwoolandcarpet: More Dyed Wool and Carpet [PurpurPack] 2.3 mr_purpurpacks_pickaxeeffectivelightsourceblocks: Pickaxe Effective Light Source Blocks [PurpurPack] 1.3 mr_purpurpacks_redyeconcretepowder: Re-Dye Concrete Powder [PurpurPack] 1.3 mr_purpurpacks_redyeglass: Re-Dye Glass [PurpurPack] 1.3 mr_purpurpacks_redyeterracotta: Re-Dye Terracotta [PurpurPack] 1.3 necronomicon: Necronomicon 1.4.2 neruina: Neruina 1.3.0 nicer-skies: Nicer Skies 1.2.0 nicerportals: Nicer Portals 1.2.1 no_fog: No Fog 1.3.5+1.16.5-1.20.4 no_more_purple: No More Purple 1.2.1 noexpensive: NoExpensive 1.20.1-1.9.0 notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.1 nvidium: Nvidium 0.2.6-beta our_villager_discounts: Our Villager Discounts 1.20.1+build.0 owo: oωo 0.11.2+1.20 blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.2 particlerain: Particle Rain 2.0.8 passiveendermen: Passive Endermen 4.6 patchouli: Patchouli 1.20.1-84-FABRIC pehkui: Pehkui 3.7.12+1.14.4-1.20.4 kanos_config: Kanos Config 0.4.1+1.14.4-1.19.4 placeholder-api: Placeholder API 2.1.3+1.20.1 plantinajar: Plant In A Jar 2.5.3 libgui: LibGui 8.0.1+1.20 jankson: Jankson 5.0.1+j1.2.2 libninepatch: LibNinePatch 1.2.0 org_objenesis_objenesis: objenesis 3.2 playerpronouns: Player Pronouns 2.0.0+1.20.1 plushies: Plushie Mod 1.4.0 polymorph: Polymorph 0.49.1+1.20.1 portable_tables: Portable Tables 2.4 pridefurnaces: Pride Furnaces 1.0.1+1.20 promenade: Promenade 4.1.1 puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 8.1.17 puzzlesaccessapi: Puzzles Access Api 8.0.7 quickbench: QuickBench 4.1.0+mc.1.20.1 quickshulker: Quick Shulker 1.4.0-1.20 kyrptconfig: Kyrpt Config 1.5.4-1.20 shulkerutils: shulkerutils 1.0.4-1.19 rainglow: Rainglow 1.1.2+mc1.20.1 randomblockplacement: RandomBlockPlacement 1.20-fabric0.83.0-1.1.4 crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19.3 reacharound: Reacharound 1.1.2 recipeessentials: recipeessentials Mod 1.20.1-3.2 reeses-sodium-options: Reese's Sodium Options 1.7.2+mc1.20.1-build.101 refined_advancements_mr: Refined Advancements 1.0.3a reinfbarrel: Reinforced Barrels 2.4.1+1.20 reinfcore: Reinforced Core 3.1.2+1.20 reinfchest: Reinforced Chests 2.4.2+1.20 reinfshulker: Reinforced Shulker Boxes 2.5.0+1.20 repurposed_structures: Repurposed Structures 7.1.11+1.20.1-fabric resourcefullib: Resourceful Lib 2.1.23 com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs: bytecodecs 1.0.2 com_teamresourceful_yabn: yabn 1.0.3 resourcify: Resourcify 1.3.1 universalcraft: UniversalCraft 323 rlovelyr: Reboot LovelyRobot 1.1.0 rocks: This Rocks! 1.7.1 roughlyenoughitems: Roughly Enough Items 12.0.684 error_notifier: Error Notifier 1.0.9 roughlyenoughprofessions: Roughly Enough Professions 2.0.2 ruined_equipment: Ruined Equipment 2.3.1 scme: The Chocolate Mod Remastered 7.2 searchables: Searchables 1.0.2 servercore: ServerCore 1.3.9+1.20.1 shulkerboxtooltip: Shulker Box Tooltip 4.0.4+1.20.1 shulkerdropstwo: Shulker Drops Two 3.3 shut_up_gl_error: Shut Up GL Error 1.0.0 simple-armor-hud: Simple armor hud 1.20.2-1.3.2 simple-rpc: Simple RPC 3.2.4 me_hypherionmc_simplerpc_simple-rpc-common: simple-rpc-common 5.0.2 simplehats: SimpleHats 1.20.1-0.2.0 simpleshulkerpreview: Simple Shulker Preview 2.4.0 simplevillagers: Simple Villagers 1.4.5 config2brigadier: Config to Brigadier 1.2.5 sizeshiftingpotions: Size Shifting Potions 1.7.0 skinlayers3d: 3d-Skin-Layers 1.6.2 smoothchunk: Smooth chunk save Mod 1.20.1-3.6 smoothskies: Smooth Skies 1.1.0 sodium: Sodium 0.5.8+mc1.20.1 sodium-extra: Sodium Extra 0.5.4+mc1.20.1-build.115 caffeineconfig: CaffeineConfig 1.3.0+1.17 soulbound: Soulbound 0.6 spark: spark 1.10.53 spongesucc: SpongeSucc (Lava Sponge) 2.0.0-1.20+ stackableflowers: Stackable Flowers 1.1 stairdoors: StairDoors Extended 1.0.0 status: Status 1.20.1-1.0.5 styled-nicknames: Styled Nicknames 1.2.1+1.20 styledchat: Styled Chat 2.2.3+1.20.1 predicate-api: Predicate API 0.1.2+1.20 styledplayerlist: Styled Player List 3.1.1+1.20.1 supermartijn642configlib: SuperMartijn642's Config Lib 1.1.8+a supermartijn642corelib: SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.17 supplementaries: Supplementaries 1.20-2.8.1 telekinesis: Telekinesis 2.3.1-1.20.1 com_akuleshov7_ktoml-core-jvm: ktoml-core-jvm 0.4.1 terrablender: TerraBlender com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.6.7 com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.6.7 terrestria: Terrestria 6.0.13 terraform-config-api-v1: Terraform Config API (v1) 7.0.3 terraform-dirt-api-v1: Terraform Dirt API (v1) 7.0.3 terraform-tree-api-v1: Terraform Tree API (v1) 7.0.3 terrestria-client: Terrestria: Client 6.0.13 terrestria-common: Terrestria: Common 6.0.13 terrestria-worldgen: Terrestria: World Generation 6.0.13 things: Things 0.3.3+1.20 lavender: Lavender 0.1.0-pre.18+1.20 lavender-md: lavender-md 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20 lavender-md-owo-ui: lavender-md-owo-ui 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20 tooltiprareness: Tooltip Rareness 1.0.9 tooltipsplus: Tooltips+ 1.2.6+1.20 totem-party: Totem Party Popper 3.0.0-1.20+ trashcans: Trash Cans 1.0.18 travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack 1.20.1-9.1.9 traverse: Traverse 7.0.11 traverse-client: Traverse: Client 7.0.11 traverse-common: Traverse: Common 7.0.11 traverse-worldgen: Traverse: World Generation 7.0.11 trinkets: Trinkets 3.7.1 universal_shops: Universal Shops 1.3.2+1.20.1 polymer-core: Polymer (Core) 0.5.3+1.20.1 polymer-networking: Polymer (Networking) 0.5.3+1.20.1 polymer-registry-sync-manipulator: Polymer (Registry Sync Manipulator) 0.5.3+1.20.1 polymer-resource-pack: Polymer (Resource Pack) 0.5.3+1.20.1 polymer-common: Polymer (Common) 0.5.3+1.20.1 polymer-virtual-entity: Polymer (Virtual Entity) 0.5.3+1.20.1 server_translations_api: Server Translations API 2.0.0+1.20 packet_tweaker: Packet Tweaker 0.4.0+1.19.4 usageticker: Usage Ticker 1.0.1-1.20 veinmining: Vein Mining 1.3.0+1.20.1 villagerconfig: VillagerConfig 4.1.2+1.20.1 villagersplus: Villagers Plus 3.1 vinery: Vinery 1.4.8 voicechat: Simple Voice Chat 1.20.1-2.5.6 vulpine: Vulpine 1.0.1 windchimes: Windchimes 1.2.4+1.20 wormhole: Wormhole (Portals) 1.1.15 xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 23.9.7 xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.37.8 yet_another_config_lib_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.2.2+1.20 com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image: common-image 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io: common-io 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang: common-lang 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT org_quiltmc_parsers_gson: gson 0.2.1 org_quiltmc_parsers_json: json 0.2.1 ysns: You Shall Not Spawn! 1.0.5 yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.20-Fabric-4.0-beta0 org_javassist_javassist: javassist 3.29.2-GA zoomify: Zoomify 2.11.2 dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-core: settxi-core 2.10.6 dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-kotlinx-serialization: settxi-kotlinx-serialization 2.10.6 ```

I'm not in any rush, it's easy enough to not open the overlay in the area. Take your time and I'll eventually get around to culling the mod list to see the issue better

andi-makes commented 3 weeks ago

This should be fixed for 1.20.6 and up, but I still have to backport the fix to 1.20.1.

Everything is still very stressful right now, so it might take me some time to do the backporting etc, but I wanted to update you at least on the progress