Schmavery / reprocessing

ReasonML graphics library inspired by Processing
MIT License
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Error when using `yarn start`, refmt3.exe not found. #102

Closed reinvanimschoot closed 5 years ago

reinvanimschoot commented 5 years ago

I'm getting a strange error when cloning the project but replacing

"bs-platform": "bsansouci/bsb-native#2.1.1" to either

"bs-platform": "bsansouci/bsb-native#3.2.0" OR "bs-platform": "bsansouci/bsb-native.

The error is get is the following:

screen shot 2018-06-27 at 18 48 57

I tried several times, cloning a fresh project, removing the global bs-platform but nothing works.

Schmavery commented 5 years ago

For now, you can try replacing the dependency on reprocessing with the #multifile-hotreloading branch. As soon as we can make sure that 3.2.0 is stable on all platforms we'll merge that branch to master :)

Alternatively, not building the hotreload version should work.

Schmavery commented 5 years ago

Actually @bsansouci just told me he just added refmt3 to the osx bundle as a workaround for now. Reinstalling bsb-native should fix it.

bsansouci commented 5 years ago

Does this work now?

Schmavery commented 5 years ago

I'll close this for now, but happy to reopen if you have more problems with this, so just give us a shout if you do!