SchmockLord / Hackintosh-Intel-i9-10900k-Gigabyte-Z490-Vision-D
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Info: Change in case of RBAR on #243

Closed mueex closed 1 year ago

mueex commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

just as info for you: In case someone else also uses resize-bar in windows, from OC 0.7.5 Hackintosh can be run with RBAR on. For this only the following option in your plist must be changed to the value 0:

ResizeAppleGpuBars = 0

Otherwise your hackintosh will not start when RBAR is active.

Valid for Gigabyte Z490 Vision D, BIOS firmware F21

To turn RBAR on in BIOS: STEP 1 : BIOS - Advanced Mode - Settings - IO Ports - Above 4G Decoding, choose "Enabled" STEP 2: BIOS - Advanced Mode - Settings - IO Ports - Re-Size BAR Support, choose "Auto"