SchmockLord / Hackintosh-Intel-i9-10900k-Gigabyte-Z490-Vision-D
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Ventura 13.2, OC 0.8.8, Bluetooth not turning on #247

Open garethsebshaw opened 1 year ago

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago


Same spec as @SchmockLord 10900k, no issues until I upgraded to 0.8.8 from 0.8.7 or it might have been 0.8.6 and now bluetooth simply doesn't work anymore. Won't turn on.

I just upgraded to Ventura, hoping maybe an upgrade would fix the problem, but I think it's EFI related, but I don't know how to fix it.

Bluetooth panel in system settings is visible but I can't toggle the on/off. Hackintool shows BT BCM_4350C2 module as present and the FW as loaded.

I'm going to roll back to 0.8.7 and see if it works.

Any thoughts?

Cheers all, Gareth

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

Oh actually the last one was 0.8.4

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

so... I put back 0.8.4 and now the machine won't boot even after an NVRAM reset. I'm trying to work out how to boot from a USB so I can get back in the OS and put back the 0.8.8 EFI.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

Ok I'm back into the OS, 0.8.8 put back, but still no BT. @SchmockLord any thoughts? Anyone really.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

any ideas why the Bluetooth still isn't working?

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

Hello @garethsebshaw

Can you try the SSDT-based USB mapping instead of the kext-based, which is default?:

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

And if you are on the SSDT-based USB config, please open Hackintool, hit the broom and refresh button on the the USB port section and then export a fresh USBport kext for me please.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

HI @SchmockLord I upgraded to 0.8.9 and tried with both setups and it doesn't work in either case. I'm also not seeing the boot menu, checked the config and it looks like it should still be turned on, but it means I can't access the boot NVRAM reset option and the keyboard shortcut doesn't appear to be working, well, mostly because I can't see or hear anything now so I can't tell.

Thanks for your help.

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

@garethsebshaw Can you send me the screenshot of the ports as well? And some of where you see Wifi+BT is detected.

What card do you have installed?

My assumption is, that the usb cable is connected to a usb port which is not mapped, then the power for the bluetooth is not there and you only have wifi.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

Thanks for replying. I have the exact same setup as you. Thought that would make life so much easier and it really has, other than a couple of minor issues, mostly with BT.

Did the port mapping change between 0.8.4 and 0.8.9?

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 14 48 22

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

HS11 is active. And you should have connected the USB cable to HS11.

So you have the Fenvi 919?

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

This was working until I upgraded to 0.8.8. I had installed a Yes Fenvi 919 and the cable is plugged into the left port in that diagram, H11, F_USB1. Could the cable now be faulty?

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

Try this config:

Of course, hardware can always be defect. Do you have windows installed as well to test if bluetooth works in windows?!

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

Installed, restarted and still no. I've ordered a new cable, but I can't see why it would suddenly stop working.

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SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

Can you try to downgrade to OC 0.8.4 again and see if it works then?

I mean, if it is really EFI-related and you say it was working with 0.8.4, it should work again, right?!

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

Then I will do a comparison between both configs, I did that but not in detail. I just saw I disabled SSDT-Disable-CNVW.aml with >0.8.4

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

I downgraded to 0.8.4 my last working version and it won't boot. I thought maybe it wasn't compatible with Ventura? As you can see I maintain a full history of my EFI's.

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 17 46 26

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

Hey @garethsebshaw ,

try this config. I have remapped USB HS11 to USB2 (0) instead of internal (255), maybe this helps.

I have read something, that macOS Ventura introduced a new way of USB Mapping. Don't know if that is true, that is why I chose to use the ACPI based USB config.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

Hi @SchmockLord

Thanks for sending this over. It didn't work, however I made a mistake with the cable that I purchase, it wasn't a mini 4-pin, so, obviously doesn't fit. I've bought a new one but it might not arrive until the 22nd.

If I try switching back to 0.8.4 will it work with ventura? I thought it wasn't compatible?

Cheers Gareth

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

@garethsebshaw 0.8.4 should work with ventura as well. Just try it. It doesn't damage anything it will just not boot if it is not compatible whatsoever.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago

@SchmockLord it's working, somehow the cable became faulty. New cable = bluetooth working again! Thank you so so much. Should I try the default 0.8.9 EFI or stick with the one you created for me?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

@garethsebshaw good to know. I didn't expect that. Just the default one.

garethsebshaw commented 1 year ago


so.... the card just stopped working again after a few days. I've not moved or opened the case since the cable change so I've no idea what could be causing the issue this time. I tried changing the EFI but none of them work. This is so very weird.

Help @SchmockLord

Do you think a skype session would help?


SchmockLord commented 1 year ago

@garethsebshaw Is the card still detected? What is not working, BT and/or wifi?