Schneegans / Gnome-Pie

A pie menu launcher for linux. Read the release announcement of version 0.7.2 at Or have a look at the homepage!
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Unclear window name for compositor exclusion #167

Closed croots closed 5 years ago

croots commented 5 years ago


I'm running gnome-pie under openbox and I think it's the best launcher for my set up; however, I'm unable to figure out how to add it to the exclusions for compton for casting a shadow. Not doing so appears to cause strange visual effects.

Normally, this exclusion would be done by adding the application name to the compositor; however, I'm unable to identify what to use. I've tried "gnome-pie", "pie", and the names of individual pies to no avail.

Do you have any suggestions for exclusions to try?

Thanks in advance.

ls-1N commented 5 years ago

Hey! I recommend Googling (or DuckDuckGo-ing) "how to identify window in openbox". I know KDE has some built-in tools for it, but maybe OpenBox has as well. If not, then maybe there is a window-manager independent X11 solution for getting a window's name. This question doesn't sound like a problem with Gnome-Pie itself. But I get it might be difficult to find a place to ask this, I would recommend for all beginner friendly Linux questions. Out of all the StackExchange sites I use that one the most.

That said, my KDE thingy is telling me the following information:

Class: gnome-pie-109 (gnome-pie gnome-pie-109)
Type: Dock (panel)
Title: Gnome-Pie
Machine: mypchostname

Hope that helps!