Scholar-6 / brillder

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Toby #608 Synthesis Image bug #4452

Open SashaScholar6 opened 2 years ago

SashaScholar6 commented 2 years ago

(v minor issue) In a synthesis when I return to an image to add a caption, once I save the caption and submit the image, I am taken to the top of the synthesis, rather than where I was before trying to add the caption.

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ivanromakh commented 2 years ago

@SashaScholar6 can`t reproduce

ivanromakh commented 2 years ago

I see when edit image.

ivanromakh commented 2 years ago

There is no quick solution for this. it will take long time to investigate this seems like I will need to hack it. when data in quill is updating it is setting cursor in the start maybe focus event or something.

william-gooch commented 2 years ago

I'm not experiencing this issue myself. Can I get confirmation of exactly how one can reproduce?

ivanromakh commented 2 years ago

I will try to make record a video.