SchoolOfCode / bc17-w4d2-project-i-need-a-rest

bootcamp-17-bc17-w4d2-project-empty-repo created by GitHub Classroom
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User Story 1: Set up a basic Express application! #1

Closed WaferMouse closed 3 months ago

WaferMouse commented 3 months ago


As Klara, a Full Stack Engineer at TrackIt I want to be able to use a framework so I can focus on building code that actually delivers the features I need to build.

As John, a project manager at TrackIt I want our engineers to use modern frameworks that that they can ship features quickly and safely.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am a new developer joining the team, When I clone down the backend repo, Then I should see a clear README that details how to install and run the application using Node through a command line. The application is an Express API.

Given I am a developer who has just followed the instructions to run and install the application (our Express APP), When I make a GET request to “http://localhost:3000/”, Then I should get back a response with status code of 200 and text saying “Hello World!” Then I should also see that the Node API has also logged the request in the terminal (console.log)

### Tasks for User Story 1
- [x] Initialize a new Node.js project.
- [x] Install Express.js.
- [x] Add "type": "module" to package.json
- [x] Add "start" functionality to scripts section in package.json
- [x] Set up a basic Express server.
- [x] Create a README file with instructions on how to install and run the application.
- [x] Implement a GET endpoint at the root URL ("/") that returns "Hello World!".
- [x] Add logging to the server to log each request to the console.
- [x] Test the application to ensure it meets the acceptance criteria.
faisalagood commented 3 months ago
