Schoolie440 / ScreepsCoop

Brian, Joe, and Ben's Coop Screeps Repo
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extensionConstruction #15

Closed Schoolie440 closed 5 years ago

Schoolie440 commented 5 years ago

Extension construction is currently not functional. I had an old system that worked, but was very expensive. I modified it to use memory and decrease CPU cost, but something got bugged. Mine will be very hard to understand even with comments, so a new method may be the best option. We need to do a periodic check (Maybe a Game.time % x == 0 check in main) to see if extensions are available to be constructed. If so, create a procedural method to place them near the spawn, or near the source by the spawn. Near the spawn may decrease traffic issues, near source could reduce time spent commuting.

schoolie commented 5 years ago

created a branch to start messing with this from my side:

schoolie commented 5 years ago

solved with #34, closing