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Organization of Programs isn't Intuitive #58

Open phcompeau opened 7 years ago

phcompeau commented 7 years ago

At, most users of the site are going to be interested in either undergrad or graduate programs, but rarely both. Blending the two types of programs on one page, rather than segmenting this content on two separate pages, is nonintuitive.

Along the same lines, organizing programs departmentally doesn't make sense given that there are programs at the MS level that are inter-departmental efforts, e.g., MSBIC is a joint effort between CBD and LTI.

RogueCSstaffer commented 6 years ago

This is why the previous iteration of SCS-wide programs overview was a table/matrix. Joint efforts would show clearly in both departments and both link to the appropriate primary program page. The untoggled page of all programs across the school is difficult to parse in this format.