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photo accuracy in directory and photo sizing #70

Open RogueCSstaffer opened 6 years ago

RogueCSstaffer commented 6 years ago

There are a small number of directory listings with incorrect photos attached (searched CSD only at this point). What is the process for confirming accuracy when posting a photo?



Will there be a way to appropriately size photos to make them more consistent?



ryanbungard commented 6 years ago

We have a way of overriding photos manually, so that's the quick fix if something is incorrect. Documentation should follow soon, as this is possible through collaboration in We crawled departmental sites and Google Scholar for photos as a start, although I suspect there is a bug in this process for completely incorrect pics. As for confirming accuracy, well, you've helped with this to some degree :) It's currently manual, but we're open to considering other methods.

RogueCSstaffer commented 6 years ago

I didn't search for them all, just the ones that stood out to me. Btw, CSD as a department doesn't generally publish student photos. The doctoral photos are available behind ISO login for faculty. We have some students who explicitly do not want a photo publicly posted. Of course, ones that can be crawled are fair game, I suppose.

Is there a reason that you aren't interfacing with Workday to pull the ID photos instead (not that I want mine out there). Wouldn't that provide a uniform file format/size? There's still the issue of people who wouldn't want their photo published.

kylemorelock commented 6 years ago

The source of the incorrect photos is in the spreadsheet containing links to individuals photos. The script to download and name the photos is working as expected.

To resize the photos, I have reached out to Brandon Amos, who has done research on facial detection and is a Graduate Research Assistant, in hopes that his open source software could help to resize photos.