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Home page information for CSD #72

Open RogueCSstaffer opened 6 years ago

RogueCSstaffer commented 6 years ago

On the home page - - department information for CSD:

We don’t have 270 courses.

Is this derived from the raw schedule of classes with every section of an individual course being displayed and counted? The active number of courses (over 3 semesters, with some repeated every spring/fall, a small subset also repeated in summer and some unique every 2-3 semesters) is roughly 150.

For example, total of unique course numbers for S17/M17/F17 is 144.

We don’t have 16 programs.

I provided detailed issue separately for CSD Programs page content that likely feeds this count.

The chunk of text under the department name doesn’t parse well. I don’t know if this is being done by automated process (similar to the odd way eBay and other sites grab chunks of existing text, often weirdly out of context) but it would be useful to know where that is drawn from and be able to guide more carefully what is there for the first thing a visitor will read about the department.

That block would be an excellent place to put 1-2 links to things about the dept that wil be unique to the SCS site and not found specifically in the dept sites - such as link to dept course list.
