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Interstitial department pages content recommendation #74

Open RogueCSstaffer opened 6 years ago

RogueCSstaffer commented 6 years ago

In a previous reference to the interstitial pages it was stated: "The goal is to reduce the amount of context jumps a user has to take in order to get basic information."

If this is so, and these pages stay, rather than sending the visitor directly to the department site from the Departments menu (expected behavior), there is an abundance of white space and scrolling.

As it stands now, the information on the page does not serve the stated goal. It is a rehash of information on the Home, Programs, & Courses pages and those could simply be links in one of the blocks on the page as repeated navigation reinforcement & ease of access in multiple locations.

In light of the reference to the XKCD ( a subset would apply to this type of page.

(very) Rough mock-up attached: Department website link is not prominent enough Block arrangement puts most current information top (events and links to course listings) and bottom (news events) with static core department information in the middle.
