Schoperation / SchopCraft

A Minecraft mod that makes Minecraft hell and not hell.
MIT License
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Feature Request: The ability to activate the Respawn Shrine in Solo Play #5

Open Ghost8909 opened 6 years ago

Ghost8909 commented 6 years ago

Dear Schoperation,

If there isn't already, could there be a way for the player to activate the respawn shrine as a Ghost? Possibly allowing items to be picked up if you had enough GPU, and then dropped if it drained below that level?

If a player had enough GPU to show themselves in the living world, it would be useful if they could interact with things like doors, buttons, pressure plates, etc, and pick up and drop items, but not use them. This would allow a player to use the shrine in solo play by picking up a golden apple even while dead.


Schoperation commented 6 years ago

Good suggestions. It would make being a ghost not a lost hope, along with adding a better use for GPU. Same with your pilgrimage to 0, 0 feature request. Perhaps it'll be a limited use action, or maybe some block that resurrects you forever or just a few times. I'll start experimenting with this before I dive deep into seasons.

Thanks for providing feedback, I heavily appreciate it.

thegamerx1 commented 5 years ago

Would also be great to have a option on the config to allow the player to open chests and only be able to take the golden apple and drop it