SchrodingersGat / KiBoM

Configurable BoM generation tool for KiCad EDA (
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in kibom.component.Component, self.libpart is None #147

Open hkennyv opened 3 years ago

hkennyv commented 3 years ago

I ran into this error:

  File "/Users/khuynh/me/rejoule/kicad/dcdc_mgthv/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kibom/", line 191, in getDescription
    ret = self.libpart.getDescription()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getDescription'

i tried to trace it down and i found that in the constructor, self.libpart is initialized to None:

This is particularly problematic because there are multiple places in this file that call some method on self.libpart, which is guaranteed to throw an AttributeError.

Particularly, the one I ran into is this path that gets executed and there's not guard for checking if self.libpart is None:

A quick search for self.libpart shows that not all method calls have a guard to check if self.libpart is not None

It looks like Component.setLibPart gets called in, but for some reason, self.libpart was still None in my example. It seems like the solution is to ensure that there is a guard every time that a method on self.libpart is called

set-soft commented 3 years ago

Note that the line 191 in the code you quote can't raise this exception. I think you are using older code. The ret = self.libpart.getDescription() is in line 195 and inside a try block. This should be catched by except AttributeError.

hkennyv commented 3 years ago

good catch @set-soft, i think i used the pypi installation. let me try installing from the repo.

hkennyv commented 3 years ago

so i was able to more-or-less fix it, thanks @set-soft . There was a misplaced parenthesis on line 199 that I had to fix as well before I could get it to run and raise the AttributeError properly (see #148).

After fixing that and getting it to run, I had a question. Is there a reason we cannot return "" as the description here? It's telling me that it cannot get a description for a part, and upon looking through my xml netlist, I have quite a few components that have something like:

      <libsource lib="" part="Rsense" description=""/>

Which is what I am assuming is causing this error to be raised. So I'm wondering what the rationale is for raising an AttributeError instead of using "" as the description and moving on.

eeintech commented 3 years ago

@hkennyv Assuming the Description field is set for all your parts in your library, try to update your eeschema parts. If it still does not work then you may have to remove/re-add them to your schematic.


gbalke commented 2 years ago

I was getting the same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                  
  File "/home/greg/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kibom/", line 427, in getDatasheet
    ret = self.libpart.getDescription()                                                             
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getDescription'                                 

I was able to resolve this error by manually adjusting the .xml part file. Using the code snippet suggested by @hkennyv, I found that kicad's xml generator was creating entries such as:

<libsource lib="" part="Device:R_Small_11" description="Resistor, small symbol"/>

This should be:

<libsource lib="Device" part="R_Small_11" description="Resistor, small symbol"/>

After the change, I no longer get the error.

This snippet of regex might help those in need as there were a lot of mistakes in my file:

:%s/lib=""\ part="\(.*\):\(.*\)"/lib="\1"\ part="\2"/g

I'm running on nightly so this might just be one of the latest bugs but I thought I should mention it should anyone run into it as well!

set-soft commented 2 years ago

Hi @gbalke ! Which KiBoM version are you using? Is the current git code or older? I think this problem is already solved in the current code (as I mention above).

gbalke commented 2 years ago

You're correct, it was the older version on PyPi. It was interesting to see KiCad generating these sorts of xmls though :thinking: Simply throwing an error doesn't necessarily solve the problem, just notifies the user of it? Assuming this needs to be fixed in KiCad's tooling (out of scope for KiBom).

Apologies for the slow response and thank you for the speedy reply!

set-soft commented 2 years ago

Hi @gbalke ! I think the problem is just a change between KiCad 4.x and 5.x XML format. With the current code you should get the descriptions without problems. I don't think KiCad can generate XMLs that rises the current exception, not at least under normal operation. Do you have a valid XML that raises the error in the current code?