SchrodingersGat / KiBoM

Configurable BoM generation tool for KiCad EDA (
MIT License
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Error with KiCAD 5.1.2 [Linux\ #62

Closed Brian245 closed 5 years ago

Brian245 commented 5 years ago

I've received the error below with KiBOM on several installations. If I go in and comment out line 207 in the related module and then add missing items to the .ini file that is generated, I can ultimately get KiBOM to work.
This error below resulted from running KiBOM within KiCAD with the following command line specified:

python "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/KiBoM-master/" "%I" "%O.html"

Has anyone else had this problem?

Could this be related to "Minor Fix #29"?

Thanks, Brian

Result is below: ------ include ------- Run command: python "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/KiBoM-master/" "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/Micro_Regulator_1/MicroRegulator1/MicroRegulator1.xml" "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/Micro_Regulator_1/MicroRegulator1/MicroRegulator1.html"

Command error. Return code 1 Info messages: PCB variant: default

Error messages: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/KiBoM-master/", line 202, in result = writeVariant(variant, args) File "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/KiBoM-master/", line 76, in writeVariant pref.Write(config_file) File "/home/brian/Documents/KiCAD/KiBoM-master/bomlib/", line 207, in Write self.addOption(cf, self.OPT_INCLUDE_VERSION, self.includeVersionNumber, comment="If '{opt}' option is set to 1, the schematic version number will be appended to the filename.") AttributeError: BomPref instance has no attribute 'OPT_INCLUDE_VERSION'

trentks commented 5 years ago

Hi @Brian245,

In pull #60, the 'OPT_INCLUDE_VERSION' name was removed in favor of a much more versatile file naming structure.

I would suggest that you pull the latest master, and remove your existing bom.ini file (so that it regenerates).

Let me know how you get on. Cheers.

Brian245 commented 5 years ago

Hi @trenks, I believe I am pulling the latest master - thank you so much for your swift reply!

trentks commented 5 years ago

In that case, all you should need to do is remove your existing bom.ini file from your kicad project folder/eeschema schematic folder.

Brian245 commented 5 years ago

The bom.ini file does not get generated unless I hack away at the scripts.

trentks commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'll have a look at that.

In the mean time then, manually create a bom.ini with the default as per (copied below):

; General BoM options here
; If 'ignore_dnf' option is set to 1, rows that are not to be fitted on the PCB will not be written to the BoM file
ignore_dnf = 1
; If 'number_rows' option is set to 1, each row in the BoM will be prepended with an incrementing row number
number_rows = 1
; If 'group_connectors' option is set to 1, connectors with the same footprints will be grouped together, independent of the name of the connector
group_connectors = 1
; If 'test_regex' option is set to 1, each component group will be tested against a number of regular-expressions (specified, per column, below). If any matches are found, the row is ignored in the output file
test_regex = 1
; If 'merge_blank_fields' option is set to 1, component groups with blank fields will be merged into the most compatible group, where possible
merge_blank_fields = 1
; Specify output file name format, %O is the defined output name, %v is the version, %V is the variant name which will be ammended according to 'variant_file_name_format'.
output_file_name = %O_bom_%v%V
; Specify the variant file name format, this is a unique field as the variant is not always used/specified. When it is unused you will want to strip all of this.
variant_file_name_format = _(%V)
; Field name used to determine if a particular part is to be fitted
fit_field = Config

; Any column heading that appears here will be excluded from the Generated BoM
; Titles are case-insensitive
Part Lib
Footprint Lib

; List of fields used for sorting individual components into groups
; Components which match (comparing *all* fields) will be grouped together
; Field names are case-insensitive
Part Lib
Footprint Lib

; A series of values which are considered to be equivalent for the part name
; Each line represents a tab-separated list of equivalent component name values
; e.g. 'c c_small cap' will ensure the equivalent capacitor symbols can be grouped together
; Aliases are case-insensitive
c   c_small cap capacitor
r   r_small res resistor
sw  switch
l   l_small inductor
zener   zenersmall
d   diode   d_small

; A series of regular expressions used to include parts in the BoM
; If there are any regex defined here, only components that match against ANY of them will be included in the BOM
; Column names are case-insensitive
; Format is: "ColumName Regex" (tab-separated)

; A series of regular expressions used to exclude parts from the BoM
; If a component matches ANY of these, it will be excluded from the BoM
; Column names are case-insensitive
; Format is: "ColumName Regex" (tab-separated)
References  ^TP[0-9]*
References  ^FID
Part    mount.*hole
Part    solder.*bridge
Part    test.*point
Footprint   test.*point
Footprint   mount.*hole
Footprint   fiducial
Brian245 commented 5 years ago

Many thanks @trentks . I checked the and didn't notice the instructions you mention related to bom.ini Everything works perfectly when I copy the above into 'bom.ini' Thanks again!!

trentks commented 5 years ago

No worries @Brian245,

It's my fault, I'd missed the default bom.ini generation parts of the code in pull #60. I'm writing a patch now to address this issue and correctly generate a default bom.ini that's functional, thanks for reporting it.

Brian245 commented 5 years ago

Thank you again for your help, @trentks!!

trentks commented 5 years ago

This issue should be solved when #63 is merged. Thanks @Brian245.

trentks commented 5 years ago

Hi @Brian245,

@SchrodingersGat has merged the fix (#63), I've tested it as per my understanding of the problem---but perhaps you can pull the latest master, confirm, and close out this issue.


Brian245 commented 5 years ago

Hi @trentks, Just pulled the master, deleted the previous 'bom.ini', and confirmed proper operation and generation of initial 'bom.ini' file. Many thanks for resolving this issue so swiftly. All working now! Cheers!