Closed Wabri closed 7 months ago
@DanerSound I Need you on this. Can you update the trophy.stl?
Update no screenshot
that screenshot is from cura , i just update the file, but i know know why is all black
@DanerSound why it's 14MB now?
@TheJoin95 , i dont know... is a problem ?
@DanerSound could you try to make it lighter?
@DanerSound nope, non mi funge. Mi funziona solo la versione 2023. Riesci a riprender quello e a rimuovere l'anno dal testo? Mantenendo inalterate tutte le altre impostazioni?
No no non posso editare quel file... non capisco perché fa così dopo riguardo
Gli ho dato due martellate per sistemarlo, c'erano alcuni buchi nella mesh e le normali erano invertite.
@TheJoin95 riesci anche a fare il post gia' che ci sei?
Today we're introducing Schroddy, our 3D trophy made by Andre, proudly celebrating Open Source Day 2024! Join us as we honor the brilliance, innovation, and community spirit driving the open-source ecosystem forward.
Schroddy is our award for celebrating the phenomenal speakers, the expertise and the incredible achievements fueling the open-source ecosystem!
Do you want him? Well, try to submit a session for the next Open Source Day! We're not selling him!
Well, as you may know now, everything that we made or do is fully transparents and open sourced so if you're going to have a look at our website repository you could, of course, print Schroddy at home (if you have a 3D printer).
osday24 #Schroddy
Dovremmo mettere come immagine una foto di uno speaker che alza il trofeo
3d model: