Schrolli91 / BOSWatch

Python Script to process input data from rtl_fm and multimon-NG - multiple Plugin support
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Registrierung von yowsup-Nummer klappt nicht #485

Closed Maagi93 closed 3 years ago

Maagi93 commented 3 years ago

Hallo zusammen,

habe das selbe Problemm wie in #470 und konnte leider nirgendwo eine Lösung finden:

$ sudo yowsup-cli registration -c config.yowsup --requestcode sms W 2020-10-09 01:26:24,053 yowsup.config.v1.config - Setting a password in Config is deprecated and not used anymore. client_static_keypair is used instead E 2020-10-09 01:26:24,054 yowsup.config.manager - Could not find a config for profile=, paths checked: /root/.config/yowsup//config.json:/root/.config/yowsup/*****/config.yo yowsup-cli v3.2.0 yowsup v3.2.3

Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Tarek Galal

This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is encouraged.

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W 2020-10-09 01:26:24,248 yowsup.common.http.warequest - Passing Config to WARequest is deprecated, pass a YowProfile instead W 2020-10-09 01:26:24,255 yowsup.common.http.warequest - Passing Config to WARequest is deprecated, pass a YowProfile instead I 2020-10-09 01:26:24,838 yowsup.common.http.warequest - {"login":"**","status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}

I 2020-10-09 01:26:25,383 yowsup.common.http.warequest - {"login":"**","status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}

status: fail reason: old_version login: **

Kann mir hier bitte jemand weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank vorab!

Schrolli91 commented 3 years ago

Schau mal auf die offizielle yowsup Seite ...

It seems that recently yowsup gets detected during registration resulting in an instant ban for your number right after registering with the code you receive by sms/voice. I'd strongly recommend to not attempt registration through yowsup until I look further into this. Follow the status of this here.

Außerdem mal in deinen Log schauen:

W 2020-10-09 01:26:24,248 yowsup.common.http.warequest - Passing Config to WARequest is deprecated, pass a YowProfile instead

Im Prinzip sind das aber keine BOSWatch spezifischen Probleme - am besten mal die Yowsup Doku lesen.. evtl hat noch jemand anders eine Idee, habs selbst leider nie genutzt