Schrolli91 / BOSWatch

Python Script to process input data from rtl_fm and multimon-NG - multiple Plugin support
GNU General Public License v2.0
132 stars 60 forks source link

Nicht korrekte Erfassung von ZVEIs bzw. Alarmen #554

Open harakaio opened 1 year ago

harakaio commented 1 year ago

Hallo zusammen,

nach ein paar Tagen Betrieb ist mir aufgefallen, dass nicht alle Alarme über den 4m-Kanal ordentlich erfasst werden. Dementsprechend das Debugging-Log enabled, hier die Auszüge [boswatch-log, config.ini, multimon-ng raw data stream].... Ich weiß leider nicht mehr so richtig weiter. (Hinweis: ZVEI-IDs wurden von mir durch Fantasie-Nummern ersetzt, um die Doppelung bzw. das Verhalten zu simulieren ersetzt.

Versionsinformationen: SW Version: 2.5.2 Branch: master Build Date: 08.01.2021 Python Vers: 3.10.6 (main, Aug 10 2022, 11:40:04) [GCC 11.3.0] SW-Version 2.5.2

Plugins: Als Plugin ist aktuell ein MySQL-Server im WWW angebunden.

Fehlerbeschreibung: nicht alle Alarme werden an MySQL weitergegeben bzw. Alarme werden nicht richtig erfasst.

Logfile: 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] BOSWatch has started 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] Logfiles cleared 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] SW Version: 2.5.2 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] Branch: master 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] Build Date: 08.01.2021 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] Python Vers: 3.10.6 (main, Aug 10 2022, 11:40:04) [GCC 11.3.0] 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] BOSWatch given arguments [...] 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] reading config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [BOSWatch] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - loglevel = 10 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - backupcount = 100 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - processalarmasync = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - useregexfilter = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - doublefilter_ignore_entries = 2 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - doublefilter_ignore_time = 3 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - doublefilter_check_msg = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - writemultimonraw = 1 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [multicastAlarm] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - multicastalarm = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - multicastalarm_ignore_time = 15 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - multicastalarm_delimiter_ric = 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - multicastalarm_ric = 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [Filters] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [FMS] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - iddescribed = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - checkcrc = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [ZVEI] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - iddescribed = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [POC] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - allow_ric = 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - deny_ric = 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - filter_range_start = 0000000 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - filter_range_end = 9999999 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - iddescribed = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - onlysubric = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - rica = Feuer 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - ricb = TH 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - ricc = AGT 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - ricd = Unwetter 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - netident_ric = 0174760, 1398098 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - netident_history = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - geo_enable = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - geo_format = #C(\d{2})(\d{5}),(\d{2})(\d{5})# 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - geo_order = LON, lon, LAT, lat 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [Plugins] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - mysql = 1 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - httprequest = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - email = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - bosmon = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - firemergency = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - jsonsocket = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - sms = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - sms77 = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - ffagent = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - pushover = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - telegram = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - yowsup = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - hue = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - divera = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - gpiocontrol = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - fhemcmd = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - mqtt = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - template = 0 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [Filters] from config file 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] set loglevel of fileHandler to: 10 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] set backupCount of fileHandler to: 100 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] loading plugins 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Search in plugin folder 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] gpiocontrol 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] template 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] FFAgent 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] httpRequest 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] Sms77 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] Divera 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] fhemCmd 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] jsonSocket 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] firEmergency 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] mqtt 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [ENABLED ] MySQL 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] BosMon 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] Telegram 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] hue 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] SMS 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] eMail 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] yowsup 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] Plugin [DISABLED] Pushover 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] load plugin: MySQL 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - pluginLoader [DEBUG ] call MySQL.onLoad() 07.10.2022 15:45:42 - boswatch [DEBUG ] starting rtl_fm 07.10.2022 15:45:45 - boswatch [DEBUG ] starting multimon-ng 07.10.2022 15:45:48 - boswatch [DEBUG ] start decoding [...] 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - decoder [DEBUG ] received ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] checkID: 27899 () 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - zvei [INFO ] 5-Ton: 27899 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] [ ALARM ] 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] call Plugin: MySQL 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [MySQL] from config file 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - dbserver = 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - dbport = 3306 [...] 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablefms = bos_fms 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablezvei = bos_zvei 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablepoc = bos_pocsag 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablesig = bos_signal 07.10.2022 15:47:05 - MySQL [DEBUG ] connect to MySQL 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - MySQL [DEBUG ] Insert ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - MySQL [DEBUG ] close MySQL 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] return from: MySQL 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] [END ALARM] 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] Added 27899 to doubleList 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - decoder [DEBUG ] received ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] checkID: 27899 () 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] -- previous id 27899 is within doubleFilter_ignore_time (3s) 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - doubleFilter [INFO ] ZVEI double alarm (id): 27899 within 0 second(s) 07.10.2022 15:47:06 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] Added 27899 to doubleList [...] 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - decoder [DEBUG ] received ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] checkID: 27555 () 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - zvei [INFO ] 5-Ton: 27555 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] [ ALARM ] 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] call Plugin: MySQL 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] read [MySQL] from config file 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - dbserver = 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - dbport = 3306 [...] 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablefms = bos_fms 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablezvei = bos_zvei 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablepoc = bos_pocsag 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - configHandler [DEBUG ] - tablesig = bos_signal 07.10.2022 15:51:47 - MySQL [DEBUG ] connect to MySQL 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - MySQL [DEBUG ] Insert ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - MySQL [DEBUG ] close MySQL 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] return from: MySQL 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - alarmHandler [DEBUG ] [END ALARM] 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - doubleFilter [DEBUG ] Added 27555 to doubleList 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - decoder [DEBUG ] received ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - zvei [WARNING ] No valid ZVEI: 274\n 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - decoder [DEBUG ] received ZVEI 07.10.2022 15:51:48 - zvei [WARNING ] No valid ZVEI: 8\n'

Config-File: wird bei Bedarf nachgeliefert

multimon-ng raw data stream: b'Enabled demodulators: ZVEI1\n'b'ZVEI1: 27899\n'b'ZVEI1: 27899\n'b'ZVEI1: 27282\n'b'ZVEI1: 27282\n'[...]b'ZVEI1: 274\n'b'ZVEI1: 8\n'