SchwarzIT / onyx

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Fix missing types in storybook (OnyxSelect) #1365

Closed BoppLi closed 2 days ago

BoppLi commented 1 week ago

Task: try to get rid of "Omit" / "Pick", instead split up the types that are consumed. Example: OnyxSelectInputProps should be split so it can be used directly by OnyxSelect

dev storybook shows e.g. "readonly" not below "props" in OnyxSelect, is this a known issue?


and if you open another example, it's totally gone..


BoppLi commented 2 days ago

I found out that this is solved after removing "label" from OnyxSelectProps. It is already inherited from OnyxFormElementProps, so maybe because it was there twice, Storybook broke a bit?

=> do we still want to restructure the types?

reference PR: