Open larsrickert opened 8 months ago
For .vue:
"onyx component": {
"prefix": "onyx-component",
"description": "Create a basic onyx Vue.js Single-File-Component",
"body": [
"<script lang=\"ts\" setup>",
"const props = defineProps<{",
" modelValue?: unknown;",
"const emit = defineEmits<{",
" 'update:modelValue': [value: unknown];",
" <div>$TM_FILENAME_BASE.vue works!</div>",
"<style lang=\"scss\"></style>",
For .stories.ts:
"onyx storybook": {
"prefix": ["onyx-storybook"],
"description": "Empty onyx Storybook file for vue component.",
"body": [
"import { defineStorybookActionsAndVModels } from \"@sit-onyx/storybook-utils\";",
"import type { Meta, StoryObj } from \"@storybook/vue3\";",
"import ${1:MyComponent} from \"./${1:MyComponent}.vue\";",
"const meta: Meta<typeof ${1:MyComponent}> = {",
" title: \"components/${1:MyComponent}\",",
" ...defineStorybookActionsAndVModels({",
" component: ${1:MyComponent},",
" events: [],",
" }),",
"export default meta;",
"type Story = StoryObj<typeof ${1:MyComponent}>;",
"export const Default = { args: {} } satisfies Story;",
For .ct.tsx:
"onyx component test": {
"prefix": ["onyx-playwright-ct"],
"description": "Basic Playwright component test for a onyx component",
"body": [
"import { expect, test } from \"../../playwright-axe\";",
"import ${1:MyComponent} from \"./${1:MyComponent}.vue\";",
"test(\"should render\", async ({ mount, makeAxeBuilder }) => {",
" // ARRANGE",
" const component = await mount(<${1:MyComponent} />);",
" // ASSERT",
" await expect(component).toHaveScreenshot(\"default.png\");",
" // ACT",
" const accessibilityScanResults = await makeAxeBuilder().analyze();",
" // ASSERT",
" expect(accessibilityScanResults.violations).toEqual([]);",
Note: the contribution docs in the docu app at http://localhost:5173/principles/contributing.html#developing-components should be updated, when
is merged
For onyx developers and contributors, we want to provide VSCode emmet snippets to quickly create a new .vue, .stories.ts and .ct.tsx file for a new component.
Acceptance criteria
snippet is documented in the GitHub Wiki.stories.ts
snippet is documented in the GitHub Wiki.ct.tsx
snippet is documented in the GitHub WikiDefinition of Done
In review
Implementation details