Schwittleymani / ECO

Electronic Chaos Oracle
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Author/Text Collection #126

Closed transfluxus closed 7 years ago

transfluxus commented 8 years ago

claus pias [done] lacan [impossible to get text] clarice lispector heisenberg [only one found] gottfried günther [one] conrad zuse [one] von neumann [cant find] max planck rene descartes

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

mckenzie wark domenico quaranta lev manovich armin medosch - The Next Layer or: The Emergence of Open Source Culture armin medosch - technological determinism in media art john thackara - designing in a complex world Roman Verostko - epigenetic painting: software as genotype, a new dimension of art roman verostko - algorithmic art: composing the score for visual art nick bostrom - quantity of experience: brain duplication and degrees of conssciousness nick bostrom - when machines outsmart humans nick bostrom - human genetic enhancements: a transhumanist perspective nick bostrom - the ethics of artificial intelligence jussi harikka harold cohen - how to make a drawing frieder nake douglas engelbart michael wesch benjamin bratton - the black stack pierre levy lucien sfez - idleness errki hutamo lisa gitelman - scripts, grooves and writing machines lisa gitelman - new media gene youngblood - expanded cinema, 1970 jasia reichardt - the computer in art, 1971 cynthia goodman - digital visions: computers and art, 1987 friedrich kittler - discourse networks, 1985 michael benedikt, cyberspace: first steps, 1991 artinctact1: artists interactive cd romagazin, 1994 minna tarkka - the 5th isea catalogue, 1994 peter weibel - mythos information: welcome to the wired world, 1995 (ars electronica catalogue) espen aarseth - cybertext: perspectives on ergodic literature, 1997 ulf poschard - dj culture, 1995 Sissel Marie Tonn - The Body Behind the Screen katherine hayles sherry turkle w.j.t. mitchell drunvalo melchizedek - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life allan watts chomsky Marilyn raffaele

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

franco bernardi [3] dieter mersch [5] norbert wiener [2] heinz von förster [2] maryanne amacher [0] curtis roads [1] bertrand russell [4] von helmholz [0] vanemar bush [1]

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

Massumi michael focault orwell Gilles Deleuze THE KYBALION suzanne lie

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

ray kurzweil John von Neumann Joseph Weizenbaum pamela mccorduck paul virilio peter lunenfeld jay david bolter

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

hg wells Rudolf Frieling walter benjamin john cage sigfried giedion vilem flusser moholy-nagy

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

benjamin lee wharf

schwittlick commented 7 years ago


schwittlick commented 7 years ago


schwittlick commented 7 years ago

john updike- centaur, truman capote, fitzgerald, raymond chandler

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

The only thing “free” about so-called free time is that it doesn’t cost the boss anything. Free time is mostly devoted to getting ready for work, going to work, returning from work, and recovering from work. Free time is a euphemism for the peculiar way labor, as a factor of production, not only transports itself at its own expense to and from the workplace, but assumes primary responsibility for its own maintenance and repair.

— The Abolition of Work - Bob Black,1985

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

C.s. Peirce - Truth [1]

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

joseph weizenbaum [1}

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

noel caroll [1]

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

margaret mead [3]