This python library has a shitload of analysis methods and much more. This issue can be a place for collecting useful and interesting aspects of the lib for pre/post processing of input and output texts.
Some functionality:
includes wordnet/textblob library and extends it
find articles of nouns where the article is missing (of some generated text)
spell correction (similar to the one's we're already using, using only one lib might simplify some things though, results should be quickly tested and compared to other libs)
parser/tokenizer to analyze what part-of-speech a word is (NN (noun), VB (verb), JJ (adjective), RB (adverb) and IN (preposition))
punctuation splitting & good replacement of unwanted sequences
Lemma words in order to turn everything into present tense
object oriented way of handling text via a text object that contains sentence objects that contain word objects whereas each of these can have special tags and other annotations
sentiment (polarity (positive/negative) & subjectivity) and mood/modality analysis
This python library has a shitload of analysis methods and much more. This issue can be a place for collecting useful and interesting aspects of the lib for pre/post processing of input and output texts.
Some functionality: