Schwittleymani / ECO

Electronic Chaos Oracle
Apache License 2.0
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Submit to xCOAx #167

Closed schwittlick closed 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

deadline january

xCoAx is an exploration of the intersection where computational tools and media meet art and culture, in the form of a multi-disciplinary enquiry on aesthetics, computation, communication and the elusive X factor that connects them all. Since 2013, xCoAx has been an occasion for international audiences to meet and exchange ideas, in search of interdisciplinary synergies among computer scientists, artists, media practitioners and theoreticians at the threshold of digital arts and culture. The focus is on the unpredictable overlaps between the chaos and freedom of creativity and the rules and determinism of algorithms, between human nature and machine technology, with the aim to evolve towards new directions in aesthetics. In 2017 xCoAx will take place for the first time in Lisbon, in and around the Faculty of Fine Arts, right in the heart of the city center in Chiado.