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Good recursive html, text parser #175

Open transfluxus opened 7 years ago

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

started long ago. different repo? recursive crawling with status json files about recursive process of a folder and html download needs proper text grab which doesnt create duplicates, filters nicely, and maybe also creates labels from header tags, ...

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

this module of pattern.en looks good and does exactly what you are talking about:

there's even a proper crawler in that module, that grabs the texts of all websites that are linked to.

why don't you set up a test to crawl a couple of websites and document the outcome here. i think putting a command line usable module to crawl websites in here would be good for now:

i could imagine a tool that works like this:

cd src/python/pdf2text/
workon pdf2text # contains pattern.en already and is a python2.7 venv
python --method grab_single/crawl --url url_to_download --output_path *path_to_folder*
# outputting limited logs about which url is being crawled, where it's saved and how many lines of text that url contained

it would be good to use the textparser i wrote from that same module directly, in order to separate good from faulty lines.

just throw in one long string into the parse() function of the TextParser:

afterwards you can access the valid sentences like this: and the invalid sentences like this:

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

maybe test with Reddit: #154

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

Was getting into beautiful soup till now. Gonna check if pattern is smarter. Soup is quite raw/basic. Reddit k. Good for slang... Was Going for and English Gutenberg project

skeshavar commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to work on this issue? I am interested in it.

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

@skeshavar our target was which has a strange href format. in general pandas or do an ok job