Schwittleymani / ECO

Electronic Chaos Oracle
Apache License 2.0
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implement input pre-processing #69

Closed schwittlick closed 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 8 years ago

do more pre-processing of the input

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

not as straigthforward as grammar_check to autocorrect

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

keyword: natural language pre-processing

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

used pyenchant for the last one... gonna implement that into the server for comparison

transfluxus commented 7 years ago

new webserver on lyrik, grammar check + spell check. next step: combine

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

nice. spell check is fucking amazing.

grammar check doesn't work for me though:

Input: i feel eating like a tomatoe
Result: Grammar: I feel eating like a tomatoe // Spell check: i feel eating like a tomato
schwittlick commented 7 years ago

with a lstm/rnn it doesn't matter too much if the grammar is right, so maybe not that important. lets wait for results of