Schwittleymani / ECO

Electronic Chaos Oracle
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Closed schwittlick closed 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 8 years ago

mckenzie wark domenico quaranta lev manovich armin medosch - The Next Layer or: The Emergence of Open Source Culture armin medosch - technological determinism in media art john thackara - designing in a complex world Roman Verostko - epigenetic painting: software as genotype, a new dimension of art roman verostko - algorithmic art: composing the score for visual art nick bostrom - quantity of experience: brain duplication and degrees of conssciousness nick bostrom - when machines outsmart humans nick bostrom - human genetic enhancements: a transhumanist perspective nick bostrom - the ethics of artificial intelligence jussi harikka harold cohen - how to make a drawing frieder nake douglas engelbart michael wesch benjamin bratton - the black stack pierre levy lucien sfez - idleness errki hutamo lisa gitelman - scripts, grooves and writing machines lisa gitelman - new media gene youngblood - expanded cinema, 1970 jasia reichardt - the computer in art, 1971 cynthia goodman - digital visions: computers and art, 1987 friedrich kittler - discourse networks, 1985 michael benedikt, cyberspace: first steps, 1991 artinctact1: artists interactive cd romagazin, 1994 minna tarkka - the 5th isea catalogue, 1994 peter weibel - mythos information: welcome to the wired world, 1995 (ars electronica catalogue) espen aarseth - cybertext: perspectives on ergodic literature, 1997 ulf poschard - dj culture, 1995 Sissel Marie Tonn - The Body Behind the Screen katherine hayles sherry turkle w.j.t. mitchell drunvalo melchizedek - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life allan watts chomsky Marilyn raffaele