SciCatProject / scicat-filewriter-ingest

Python client that connects to a kafka queue and creates new datasets when receiving notification that a file has been written
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Logging message handling. #67

Open YooSunYoung opened 3 months ago

YooSunYoung commented 3 months ago
def _individual_message_commit(offline_ingestors, consumer, logger):"{} offline ingestors running".format(len(offline_ingestors)))
    for job_id, job_item in offline_ingestors.items():
        result = job_item["proc"].poll()
        if result is not None:
  "Offline ingestor for job id {} ended with result {}".format(job_id,result))
            if result == 0:
      "Executing commit for message with job id {}".format(job_id))
  "Removed ingestor for message with job id {} from queue".format(job_id))

Currently this code is run only when config.kafka.individual_message_commit option is active. But it has some logging lines that need to be run always.