SciCatProject / scicat-filewriter-ingest

Python client that connects to a kafka queue and creates new datasets when receiving notification that a file has been written
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File configuration is ignored #77

Closed nitrosx closed 2 months ago

nitrosx commented 2 months ago

When a configuration is specified with the -c option, the settings loaded through the file are ignored as they are over written by the default options from the command lines.

Steps to re-create the issue:

Expected behavior: configuration options should use default value is not specified in configuration file. If the configuration file contains the option, the value provided there should be used. If a user specify such option on the command line, the value user specified value is the one used.

nitrosx commented 2 months ago

To further elaborate, this is the precedence of values for each options:

  1. User provided at command line
  2. Configuration value
  3. Default value
YooSunYoung commented 2 months ago

Fixed by #78