When a configuration is specified with the -c option, the settings loaded through the file are ignored as they are over written by the default options from the command lines.
Steps to re-create the issue:
create a configuration file with the option datasets.compute_file_hash: true
start the offline ingestor with -c option pointing the file above
after starting, the option datasets.compute_file_has is set to false
Expected behavior:
configuration options should use default value is not specified in configuration file. If the configuration file contains the option, the value provided there should be used.
If a user specify such option on the command line, the value user specified value is the one used.
When a configuration is specified with the -c option, the settings loaded through the file are ignored as they are over written by the default options from the command lines.
Steps to re-create the issue:
datasets.compute_file_hash: true
is set to falseExpected behavior: configuration options should use default value is not specified in configuration file. If the configuration file contains the option, the value provided there should be used. If a user specify such option on the command line, the value user specified value is the one used.