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Implement semantic releases publishing and binding #34

Open minottic opened 6 months ago

minottic commented 6 months ago

at some point, we should start thinking if and how to tag scicatlive. Since we already have a tag 1.0, I think we could think of the changes we've made and tag accordingly.

Since we've done many changes already (subdomain changes, refactoring - in principle backwards compatible -, containers addition), maybe in this case we can simply create 1 tag which collects these together.

The next will probably be once we integrate the new be with fe etc.

We should also probably tag whenever we upgrade some dependency to a major version.

We should think the numbering to use, for example if we want to be anyhow consistent with the other scicat tags.

minottic commented 4 months ago

should we use semantic versioning (including the release with changelogs) for every change (excluding readmes and ci/tests)?