SciCompMod / memilio

Modular spatio-temporal models for epidemic and pandemic simulations
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Enable dynamic optimization for Windows CI runners #1014

Open mknaranja opened 2 months ago

mknaranja commented 2 months ago

In #894, dynamic optimization through automatic differentiation was introduced for a first particular ODE-based model.

However, dynamic optimization needed to be deactivated in the windows CI. This is due to the setting that, by default, there is no adequate fortran compiler in the Windows runners working with MSVC which would be necessary to build the MUMPS direct solver.

A corresponding workaround could be to pre-install a MUMPS version with spack.

Nevertheless, the implementation in #894 had been tested manually on Windows.

@hannemann-tamas Is this a correct summary? Anything to add?

hannemann-tamas commented 2 months ago

This is correct. If I only have to update the CMakeLists.txt of Ipopt. This should not be too difficult.