SciCompMod / memilio

Modular spatio-temporal models for epidemic and pandemic simulations
Apache License 2.0
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916-refactor-epidata-to-support-ingestion-into-the-LOKI-database #1024

Open sudiphzi opened 2 months ago

sudiphzi commented 2 months ago

Changes and Information

Please briefly list the changes (main added features, changed items, or corrected bugs) made:



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Merge Request - Guideline Checklist

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mknaranja commented 1 month ago

@sudiphzi @MariamaJ This merge request does not address the issue at all. It is rather reformatting of the original code. Please create corresponding issues and assign pull requests correctly. Please also describe the (necessary) changes.

If development was completed, users have to check the corresponding checkboxes above before review.

Generally: We have an automatted formatter. Formatting by hand should by avoided to not have changes indicated in the pull request were no changes happened.

Furthermore, from clean quality control view, a developer should not be reviewer at the same time (as here).

Thank you.

MariamaJ commented 1 month ago

@mknaranja, I have transferred the task to @sudiphzi and then was assigned to reviewer. But, I will now implement the changes requested and ask you to be the reviewer if that's alright.

MariamaJ commented 1 month ago

And true, this PR now focuses on refactoring the code to ingest it on the LOKI database. I have renamed the issue and PR accordingly.