Fix: Mismatch in total population due to 2023 data update
The newly released population data for 2023 contains only data from 2023, causing a mismatch in the total population when compared with previous years. This results in an error being thrown during the population data validation process.
Merge Request - Guideline Checklist
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[ ] Every addressed issue is linked (use the "Closes #ISSUE" keyword below)
[x] No large data files have been added (files should in sum not exceed 100 KB, avoid PDFs, Word docs, etc.)
[ ] Tests are added for new functionality and a local test run was successful (with and without OpenMP)
[ ] Appropriate documentation for new functionality has been added (Doxygen in the code and Markdown files if necessary)
[x] Proper attention to licenses, especially no new third-party software with conflicting license has been added
[ ] (For ABM development) Checked benchmark results and ran and posted a local test above from before and after development to ensure performance is monitored.
Checks by code reviewer(s)
[ ] Corresponding issue(s) is/are linked and addressed
[ ] Code is clean of development artifacts (no deactivated or commented code lines, no debugging printouts, etc.)
[ ] Appropriate unit tests have been added, CI passes, code coverage and performance is acceptable (did not decrease)
[ ] No large data files added in the whole history of commits(files should in sum not exceed 100 KB, avoid PDFs, Word docs, etc.)
[ ] On merge, add 2-5 lines with the changes (main added features, changed items, or corrected bugs) to the merge-commit-message. This can be taken from the briefly-list-the-changes above (best case) or the separate commit messages (worst case).
Changes and Information
Fix: Mismatch in total population due to 2023 data update
The newly released population data for 2023 contains only data from 2023, causing a mismatch in the total population when compared with previous years. This results in an error being thrown during the population data validation process.
Merge Request - Guideline Checklist
Please check our git workflow. Use the draft feature if the Pull Request is not yet ready to review.
Checks by code author
Checks by code reviewer(s)