SciCrunch / NIF-Ontology

NIF Standard Ontologies (NIFSTD)
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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bad synonym removal issue #12

Open SciCrunch-Synapse opened 9 years ago

SciCrunch-Synapse commented 9 years ago

This Github issue is synchronized with Zendesk,

Ticket ID: 478 Priority: N/A Group: Support Assignee: N/A

Original ticket description:

It causes more problems than it solves.

tgbugs commented 9 years ago

I have issued a temporary fix on the ftp server where we still import a local copy of doid.owl. For a permanent fix we need to implement the suggestions here for remote imports.

tgbugs commented 6 years ago

Another issue is with the Not otherwise specified 'NOS' suffix on doid terms. If these continue to pose an issue then best to fix is using ontology patching at scigraph load time when it get that implemented in

tgbugs commented 6 years ago

hippocampus on UBERON:0002421 (formation) causes confusion with UBERON:0001954 (proper).

tgbugs commented 6 years ago

There are a bunch of terms with one letter or two letter synonyms that need to be culled when we get to this.

tgbugs commented 6 years ago

Issue on GO:0045098 ! type III intermediate filament where subclasses are being listed as narrow synonyms.