Select sources and saline sinks, then setup a working area with both
Click the "Select sources by drawing" button. Draw a polygon to select some sources.
Click the "Select sinks by drawing" button. Draw a polygon that encompasses some sources and some saline sinks.
Expected behavior:
Some additional sinks are selected that are in the polygon drawn in step 3
Actual behavior:
The sinks in the polygon drawn in step 3 are selected, but also the sources in that polygon. Also, the sources selected in the polygon drawn in step 2 are deselected.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected behavior:
Some additional sinks are selected that are in the polygon drawn in step 3
Actual behavior:
The sinks in the polygon drawn in step 3 are selected, but also the sources in that polygon. Also, the sources selected in the polygon drawn in step 2 are deselected.