SciKit-Surgery / scikit-surgery

SciKit-Surgery - Compact Libraries for Surgical Navigation
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ROS/scikit-surgery project #105

Open tdowrick opened 3 years ago

tdowrick commented 3 years ago

Me and @grdwyer had a bit of a chat about what we can do to start some ROS integration.

George's project involves robotics for creating facial implants in surgery, working with Hani (I'm sure he can explain more eloquently than me....), and most of his stuff is in ROS.

Creating this issue for some general brainstorming etc. So far we discussed:

grdwyer commented 3 years ago

Sorry for taking a while to reply

@tdowrick got it mostly spot on it's implants to reseal the skull after skull base surgery. The idea would be to use the stealth station to measure the defect created in surgery to then make the implant that will seal it.

What would be the best way to start this up? I'm happy to start having a look at making some ROS interfaces to the packages already up and running. A couple things that come to mind:

These are all more useful tools than a good use case though.