SciKit-Surgery / scikit-surgery

SciKit-Surgery - Compact Libraries for Surgical Navigation
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Breaking changes to utils and calibration #118

Open tdowrick opened 2 years ago

tdowrick commented 2 years ago
Hi both,

There’s some breaking changes coming to scikit-surgeryutils.


Due to changing to opencv-headless, this means that scikit-surgeryimage, vtk, calibration etc. cannot have opencv GUIs in them. So, the video calibration apps had to move out of scikit-surgerycalibration into scikit-surgeryutils. 

Libraries that are now on opencv-headless.


(which was enough for SmartLiver incidentally)


and I’m doing scikit-surgeryutils

Further along, this means that scikit-surgerybard will need doing before the summer school in July, and should call utilities in scikit-surgeryutils. Same argument probably for MPHY0026 in due course.

Widget API changes

Also, in scikit-surgeryutils, this meant that I had to use PySide2 for the video calibration apps, and some refactoring. The OverlayBaseApp should really be a widget, so that it can be embedded in layouts. So, I made it a widget. This means the update() method, called by the QTimer had to change to update_view(). 

So, these will have knock on effects to snappysonix, and various demo apps and tutorials. 

Now, as it happened, I made these widget changes, while trying to address the first issue, but ended up making a separate widget for the video apps. So, I could roll them back. But I don’t think its worth it, as we should move forward.

Any thoughts? Or anything I’ve forgotten?

thompson318 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, looks generally OK with me. It would be worth sitting down and working out which of the command line apps that were originally in BARD we actually use for teaching. I think some of them are bit obsolete.