SciKit-Surgery / scikit-surgery

SciKit-Surgery - Compact Libraries for Surgical Navigation
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Create SciKit-Surgery home page on github pages #84

Closed MattClarkson closed 3 years ago

MattClarkson commented 3 years ago

And ask Ron to point URL at it.

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

I added the first draft Branch name is web.

I changed the default header colour from blue-green as in to red-orange to make it a bit different.

I also added some initial contents mentioned on issue 73.

Please comment/feedback.

@MattClarkson @thompson318 @tdowrick

tdowrick commented 3 years ago

I would add links to the documentation and the github repo right at the top, like they have done with deepreg, but otherwise the layout looks good.

Guess we should try and come up with a logo?

thompson318 commented 3 years ago

I agree with Tom, it needs some links at the top. You could try using WEISS blue (0.0, 0.384, 0.490) rather than orange for branding. The hunt is on for a logo.

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I will add the button-link for documentation. For github button, actually I spent some time to disable it because in deepreg case, they have one repo to point to but in our case where will we point it to? I will try a couple of different colors too.

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

"Read the docs" button added to the page.

mianasbat commented 3 years ago is now functional and directed to

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

I have also requested to Ron for SSL license for

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

This issue could also be closed because the home page is up and running using github pages. @MattClarkson