SciKit-Surgery / scikit-surgery

SciKit-Surgery - Compact Libraries for Surgical Navigation
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Twitter account for scikit-surgery #92

Closed mianasbat closed 3 years ago

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

I believe it will be nice to have an official twitter account about scikit-surgery. Since scikit-surgery is growing it will be nice to tweet about new version of library or any updates and also to have a place which people can follow.

@MattClarkson @thompson318 @tdowrick

tdowrick commented 3 years ago

We discussed briefly in SNAPPY meeting.

In principle, a good idea, but unless there is someone specifcally allocated to operating the account it might remain unused. In the meantime we can flag anything of note to the main WEISS/Med Phys accounts.

mianasbat commented 3 years ago

Not needed for now.