SciLifeLab / Sarek

Detect germline or somatic variants from normal or tumour/normal whole-genome or targeted sequencing
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Errors running sarek with Nextflow 19.07 - command 'ps' not found #814

Closed lconde-ucl closed 4 years ago

lconde-ucl commented 5 years ago


I am having problems running Sarek with the latest version of nextflow (19.07). The error I get is:

Command error: line 196: uname: command not found line 148: grep: command not found line 149: grep: command not found line 210: date: command not found
  Command 'ps' required by nextflow to collect task metrics cannot be found

The pipeline runs fine with the same data using an older version of nextflow (19.01).

I guess this is a nextflow-related issue (someone found the same problem here: but I wonder if this is something that can be fixed from within sarek? Happy to send files from both nextflow versions if that helps?

Thanks Lucia

maxulysse commented 5 years ago

Hi, We're currently finishing the transfer of Scilifelab/Sarek to nf-core/sarek. If it's possible for you, you can try out the current dev branch which is pretty stable as we're in the process of making our first release on nf-core (cf Otherwise, I do believe that your issue is due to the fact that procps is missing from the container. I can as well generate an extra container with ps, if you know which version of Sarek you need, but it might take some time. All the best, Maxime

lconde-ucl commented 5 years ago

Hi Maxime,

thanks for your reply, I'll wait for the transfer to finish and in the meantime I will run the current Sarek (v2.3.FIX1) with nextflow 19.01. This works fine (it only fails with the new nextflow, v19.07)

Not sure the lack of ps is the issue though, I downloaded Sarek v2.3.FIX1 as well as the containers (sarek, r-base, runallelecount...) just a couple of days ago, and they all seem to have ps:

$ singularity exec sarek-latest.simg ps
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
 47583 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
 49905 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
maxulysse commented 5 years ago

OK, that is strange indeed. Maybe we do need uname, grep and date as well...

lconde-ucl commented 5 years ago

sarek-latest.simg indeed has uname, grep and date. I don't think this is related to the container, as the same container works well with nextflow 19.01. I'll try to send an example from 19.01 and another from 19.07, as I guess that's the key

lconde-ucl commented 5 years ago

Attaching here the files for a Sarek 'RunFastQC' process.

One was obtained after running Sarek v2.3.FIX1 with nextflow v19.07.0. It failed immediately in that process with the error shown in the first message:

$ module load nextflow/19.01
$ nextflow run path_to_Sarek_v2.3.FIX1/ -profile ucl \
      --sample inputfiles.tsv \
      --genome GRCh38 \
      --targetBED path_to_MedExome_hg38_capture_targets.bed -resume

The other one was obtained after running the same Sarek.v2.3.FIX1 pipeline (i.e, same, same containers, same data, etc) but using nextflow 19.01.0 instead of 19.07.0. The same process finished successfully, as well as the rest of the pipeline.

$ module load nextflow/19.07
$ nextflow run path_to_Sarek_v2.3.FIX1/ -profile ucl \
      --sample inputfiles.tsv \
      --genome GRCh38 \
      --targetBED path_to_MedExome_hg38_capture_targets.bed -resume

I can't figure out what nextflow 19.07 is doing differently that makes Sarek crush, but maybe it can be guessed from these files?

command.run_Nextflow.19.07.txt command.run_Nextflow.19.01.txt

maxulysse commented 5 years ago

Given your error message, I would say that this line is the issue, but I still find it strange that it's not working if there is ps in these container...

command -v ps &>/dev/null || { >&2 echo "Command 'ps' required by nextflow to collect task metrics cannot be found"; exit 1; }

I'll try to look more into it, with both these version during the week whenever I can find some time. All the best, Maxime

lconde-ucl commented 5 years ago

Hi Maxime, thanks, no rush! And yes, I can confirm that the container has ps:

$ singularity exec /scratch/scratch/regmr01/Sarek_containers/v2.3.FIX1/sarek-latest.simg ps
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
 13798 pts/3    00:00:00 bash
 14305 pts/3    00:00:00 ps

I downloaded only days ago using: singularity build sarek-latest.simg docker://maxulysse/sarek:latest

Best regards Lucia

maxulysse commented 4 years ago

Hi @lconde-ucl I'm sorry, I did not really found time to look into it since we moved sarek to nf-core/sarek. Did you try out the new version? Or would you still want a fix on the SciLifeLab/Sarek repo?

lconde-ucl commented 4 years ago

Hi Max, thanks for getting back to me. No worries, I'm trying the nf-core version and I will probably just keep using that one.

Since you are here, I have a quick question regarding the new version (nf-core/sarek) that maybe you can easily answer: why the FilterMutect2Call step is only run when a PON is provided? Can this be changed so that is run always? It makes no sense to me to run mutect2 on a pair of tumour/normal samples and not do the filtering afterwards to get all the PASS variants, regardless if there is PON or not.

maxulysse commented 4 years ago

It can probably be done, I'll ask @szilvajuhos about this one.

maxulysse commented 4 years ago

OK, so basically it's possible to enable that, but I'm not sure it's such a good idea. I think the PON really does help out in the filtering, so I'm not sure what you would end up with. If you really want that, I'll enable it with a warning. But I'd advice against it.

lconde-ucl commented 4 years ago

Hi Max,

Thanks a lot. Yes, I understand that using a PON is recommended and is definitely of great help when you don't have matching normals. But when you do have matching tumour/normal pairs, it will just be another filter for systematic sequencing/protocol/pipeline artifacts.

But regardless if you use a PON or not, the filtering ("FilterMutectCalls" step) has to be done anyway, otherwise "mutect2" would only emit an unfiltered VCF. "FilterMutectCalls" provides the annotations to the variants called by mutect2 (either PASS or failed because of "germline_risk", "multiallelic", "clustered_events", "bad_haplotype", etc), so irrespective of the use of a PON or not, it is needed to get a properly annotated VCF.

As an example, this is a VCF file that you would get after running mutect2 without any PON:

> gatk Mutect2 -R $ref -I $tumor.bam -I $normal.bam -tumor T -normal N  -O unfiltered.vcf --germline-resource ...

chr1    84490478    .   C   CT  .   .   DP=60;ECNT=1;NLOD=5.02;N_ART_LOD=-8.630e-01;POP_AF=1.000e-06;REF_BASES=CCCAAGTATCCTTTTTTTTTT;RPA=11,12;RU=T;STR;TLOD=10.72  GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:MFRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:SA_POST_PROB 
0/1:16,6:0.377:8,2:8,4:34,34:121,122:60:30:0.192,0.263,0.273:0.046,0.013,0.941  0/0:17,0:0.127:11,0:6,0:35,0:181,0:0:0
chr1    100206310   .   TAA T,TA,TAAA   .   .   DP=263;ECNT=1;NLOD=-2.149e+00,-2.977e+01,4.27;N_ART_LOD=12.16,31.15,8.65;POP_AF=1.000e-06,4.452e-03,1.000e-06;REF_BASES=ATCTATTTTTTAAAAAAAAAA;RPA=13,11,12,14;RU=A;STR;TLOD=7.59,23.90,1
1.86    GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:MFRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:SA_POST_PROB 0/1/2/3:51,7,16,9:0.135,0.212,0.158:15,4,4,3:36,3,12,6:29,28,29,23:122,100,107,104:60,60,60:17,34,17:0.182,0.172,0.193:0.019,0.011,0.970    0/0:59,8,22,12:0.119,0.223,0.158:20,5,6,
chr1    102889509   .   T   G   .   .   DP=47;ECNT=1;NLOD=5.72;N_ART_LOD=-1.301e+00;POP_AF=1.000e-06;REF_BASES=CTCGGTCACCTTTTTCCCCTT;TLOD=25.83 GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:MFRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:SA_POST_PROB 0/1:19,9:0.321:14,6:5,3:
34,35:103,100:60:27:0.303,0.273,0.321:0.014,0.034,0.952 0/0:19,0:1.054e-04:9,0:10,0:35,0:180,0:0:0

And this is what you get after running filterMutect2Calls on the above file:

> gatk FilterMutectCalls -V unfiltered.vcf -O final.vcf

chr1    84490478    .   C   CT  .   str_contraction DP=60;ECNT=1;NLOD=5.02;N_ART_LOD=-8.630e-01;POP_AF=1.000e-06;P_CONTAM=0.00;P_GERMLINE=-5.511e+00;REF_BASES=CCCAAGTATCCTTTTTTTTTT;RPA=11,12;RU=T;STR;TLOD=10.72  GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:M
FRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:SA_POST_PROB 0/1:16,6:0.377:8,2:8,4:34,34:121,122:60:30:0.192,0.263,0.273:0.046,0.013,0.941  0/0:17,0:0.127:11,0:6,0:35,0:181,0:0:0
chr1    100206310   .   TAA T,TA,TAAA   .   artifact_in_normal;germline_risk;multiallelic   DP=263;ECNT=1;NLOD=-2.149e+00,-2.977e+01,4.27;N_ART_LOD=12.16,31.15,8.65;POP_AF=1.000e-06,4.452e-03,1.000e-06;P_CONTAM=0.00;P_GERMLINE=-5.710e+0
0,0.00,-1.101e+01;REF_BASES=ATCTATTTTTTAAAAAAAAAA;RPA=13,11,12,14;RU=A;STR;TLOD=7.59,23.90,11.86    GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:MFRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:SA_POST_PROB 0/1/2/3:51,7,16,9:0.135,0.212,0.158:15,4,4,3:36,3,12,6:29,28,29,23:122,100,107,104:60,60
,60:17,34,17:0.182,0.172,0.193:0.019,0.011,0.970    0/0:59,8,22,12:0.119,0.223,0.158:20,5,6,3:39,3,16,9:32,33,32,32:186,193,183,154:60,60,60:29,25,26
chr1    102889509   .   T   G   .   PASS    DP=47;ECNT=1;NLOD=5.72;N_ART_LOD=-1.301e+00;POP_AF=1.000e-06;P_CONTAM=0.00;P_GERMLINE=-6.212e+00;REF_BASES=CTCGGTCACCTTTTTCCCCTT;TLOD=25.83 GT:AD:AF:F1R2:F2R1:MBQ:MFRL:MMQ:MPOS:SA_MAP_AF:S
A_POST_PROB 0/1:19,9:0.321:14,6:5,3:34,35:103,100:60:27:0.303,0.273,0.321:0.014,0.034,0.952 0/0:19,0:1.054e-04:9,0:10,0:35,0:180,0:0:0

The difference is that now the FILTER column (column 7) is filled in with annotations, and the variants that pass (only the last one in this case) can be identified. This is independent of the PON.

I hope this makes sense?

That's why I think the FilterMutectCalls steps should be always done. If you feel you would like to enable it with a warning that's fine. Or if you prefer to disable it by default and have an option to enable it without a PON I think is fine to.. Whatever you think is best, but it would be great to give the user the option to use it without a PON.

Sorry for the long reply! Many thanks as always, Lucia

maxulysse commented 4 years ago

Closing issue, as a new one has been opened on nf-core/sarek