SciML / CellMLToolkit.jl

CellMLToolkit.jl is a Julia library that connects CellML models to the Scientific Julia ecosystem.
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Connecting CellML models with ModelingToolkit equations #101

Open termi-official opened 1 year ago

termi-official commented 1 year ago

First, thanks for the great ecosystem! ModelingToolkit really looks promising.

I think I run into a limitation with the current design of CellMLToolkit. From my understanding it simply parses the cellml document and directly parses and simplifies everything, followed by constructing the ODESystem. This fails if the cellml description is incomplete. However, I think it is a valid use case to connect the missing variables manually. To give a very simple example, let us consider a forced van der Pol oscillator.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<model name="forced_oscillator" xmlns="" xmlns:cellml="">
    <units name="m_per_s">
        <unit units="meter"/>
        <unit exponent="-1" units="second"/>
    <component name="system">
        <variable initial_value="0.0" name="time" units="second"/>
        <variable initial_value="1.0" name="mu" units="dimensionless"/>
        <variable name="f" public_interface="in" units="meter"/>
        <variable initial_value="0.0" name="x" public_interface="out" units="meter"/>
        <variable initial_value="0.0" name="v" public_interface="out" units="m_per_s"/>
        <math xmlns="">
                                <cn cellml:units="dimensionless">1</cn>

Parsing this model fails, because f is not connected to anything:

using CellMLToolkit
ml = CellModel("forced_oscillator.cellml")
ERROR: value of system₊f is not found

However, it would be nice to have access to a partially parsed model, such that one could connect the missing components via ModelingToolkit.jl either directly by connecting the partial model with other partial models from other CellML files. To give a rough sketch on what I have in mind:

using ModelingToolkit, CellMLToolkit
mlc = CellModelComponent("forced_oscillator.cellml")
eqs = [
          0 ~ mlcsys.system₊f - sin(mlc.sys.system₊xˍtimetime)
ml = finalize(mlc, eqs)
nickerso commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the off-topic comment, but perhaps this might be useful in considering this kind of feature in CellMLToolkit..

In work we have been doing with libCellML and code generation with CellML 2.0 models, we generally expect the CellML model to be complete (giving f an initial value, for example) but then the user would flag f as an external variable so that in the generated code it would be treated as being defined outside the scope of the CellML model. We can then use that capability to add that new equation (or connect to another model or data).

In the very recent work (see cellml/libcellml#1077) the handling of these external variables is moved to the start of the model analysis/code generation. This could begin to support this use-case where such under-defined variables in the CellML model could be detected by the user and set external and so not flagged as an error as it would be taken out of the model analysis. This is an interesting use-case generally that I don't believe we have considered, and I often find myself setting those dummy initial values that I never intend to use and this could solve that problem...

termi-official commented 1 year ago

I was able to cook up a working example.

using CellMLToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots

function custom_stim_model(filename; comp=:membrane, varname=:Istim)
    # Load model
    doc = CellMLToolkit.load_cellml(filename)

    # Classify variables as in the original
    class = CellMLToolkit.classify_variables(doc)

    # We now mark the stimulus as time-dependent
    class[CellMLToolkit.Var(comp, varname)] = true

    # Construct the systems
    systems = CellMLToolkit.subsystems(doc, class)

    # Define stimulus
    t = CellMLToolkit.get_ivₚ(doc)
    stimulus = getproperty(systems[comp], varname) ~ ifelse(t < 1.0, 0.5, 0.0)

    # Build the system
    odesys = ODESystem(
        [connections; stimulus],
        systems = collect(values(systems)),
        name = CellMLToolkit.gensym(:custom_stim_model)

    # Simplify
    odesys_s = CellMLToolkit.structural_simplify(odesys)
    post_sub = CellMLToolkit.post_substitution(doc, systems)
    CellMLToolkit.@set! odesys_s.eqs = CellMLToolkit.substitute_eqs(equations(odesys_s), post_sub)

    # Update default values
    CellMLToolkit.@set! odesys_s.defaults = Dict(CellMLToolkit.find_list_value(doc, vcat(parameters(odesys_s), states(odesys_s))))
    return CellModel(doc, odesys_s)

br = custom_stim_model("models/beeler_reuter_1977_nostim.cellml.xml")
prob = ODEProblem(br, (0.0, 400.0))
sol = solve(prob, TRBDF2())
plot(sol, vars=[br.sys.membrane₊V])

Where the file is simply the provided Beeler-Reuter model without the stimulus protocol component, i.e.

models/beeler_reuter_1977_nostim.cellml.xml ```
Beeler-Reuter Mammalian Ventricular Model 1977 Catherine Lloyd Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland
Model Status This model has been curated by Penny Noble using Flavio Fenton's Java code as a reference (See for Java applet rendering of model - Java code is available from Dr Fenton.) An artificial stimulus component has been added this model to allow it to reproduce the action potential simulation shown in Figure 4 of the publication. The model is known to run and integrate in the PCEnv and COR CellML environments. A PCEnv session file is also associated with this model. ValidateCellML detects unit inconsistency within this model.
Model Structure In contrast to the earlier Purkinje fibre ionic current models of D. Noble (1962) and R.E. McAllister, D. Noble and R.W. Tsien (1975), the G.W. Beeler and H. Reuter 1977 model was developed to describe the mammalian ventricular action potential. Not all the ionic currents of the Purkinje fibre model are present in ventricular tissue; therefore, this model is simpler than the MNT model. The total ionic flux is divided into only four discrete, individual ionic currents (see below). The main additional feature of the Beeler-Reuter ionic current model is a representation of the intracellular calcium ion concentration. The complete original paper reference is cited below: Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres, Beeler, G.W. and Reuter, H. 1977 Journal of Physiology , 268, 177-210. PubMed ID: 874889 cell diagram of the Beeler-Reuter model showing ionic currents across the cell surface membrane A schematic diagram describing the current flows across the cell membrane that are captured in the BR model. the cellml rendering of the Beeler-Reuter model The network defined in the CellML description of the Beeler-Reuter model. A key describing the significance of the shapes of the components and the colours of the connections between them is in the notation guide. For simplicity, not all the variables are shown. The membrane physically contains the currents as indicated by the blue arrows in . The currents act independently and are not connected to each other. Several of the channels encapsulate and contain further components which represent activation and inactivation gates. The addition of an encapsulation relationship informs modellers and processing software that the gates are important parts of the current model. It also prevents any other components that aren't also encapsulated by the parent component from connecting to its gates, effectively hiding them from the rest of the model. The breakdown of the model into components and the definition of encapsulation and containment relationships between them is somewhat arbitrary. When considering how a model should be broken into components, modellers are encouraged to consider which parts of a model might be re-used and how the physiological elements of the system being modelled are naturally bounded. Containment relationships should be used to provide simple rendering information for processing software (ideally, this will correspond to the layout of the physical system), and encapsulation should be used to group sets of components into sub-models.
time V Istim i_Na i_s i_x1 i_K1 C i_Na g_Na m 3 h j g_Nac V E_Na alpha_m 1 V 47 0.1 V 47 1 beta_m 40 0.056 V 72 time m alpha_m 1 m beta_m m alpha_h 0.126 0.25 V 77 beta_h 1.7 0.082 V 22.5 1 time h alpha_h 1 h beta_h h alpha_j 0.055 0.25 V 78 0.2 V 78 1 beta_j 0.3 0.1 V 32 1 time j alpha_j 1 j beta_j j E_s 82.3 13.0287 Cai 0.001 i_s g_s d f V E_s time Cai 0.01 i_s 1 0.07 0.0001 Cai alpha_d 0.095 V 5 100 1 V 5 13.89 beta_d 0.07 V 44 59 1 V 44 20 time d alpha_d 1 d beta_d d alpha_f 0.012 V 28 125 1 V 28 6.67 beta_f 0.0065 V 30 50 1 V 30 5 time f alpha_f 1 f beta_f f i_x1 x1 8-3 0.04 V 77 1 0.04 V 35 alpha_x1 5-4 V 50 12.1 1 V 50 17.5 beta_x1 0.0013 V 20 16.67 1 V 20 25 time x1 alpha_x1 1 x1 beta_x1 x1 i_K1 0.0035 4 0.04 V 85 1 0.08 V 53 0.04 V 53 0.2 V 23 1 0.04 V 23 cardiac cardiac electrophysiology electrophysiology ventricular myocyte electrophysiological Changed model cmeta:id from beeler_reuter_1977_version06 to beeler_reuter_1977 keyword James Lawson Richard Penny Noble Added an intial value for X1 to enable the model to run. Catherine Lloyd May 874889 Re-added cmeta:id's for 4 major currents that had been deleted by COR Reconstruction of the action potential of ventricular myocardial fibres 268(1) 177 210 2008-05-20T11:16:23+12:00 G Beeler 2008-05-08T00:00:00+00:00 This model has been curated and is known to run and reproduce the published results in PCEnv and COR. A PCEnv session file is also associated with this model. Penny has curated this model from Flavio Fenton's model code. See for Java applet rendering of model. Code available from Dr Fenton Updated cmeta:id's for reference by PCEnv sessions. Added simulation metadata to allow simulation for 10,000 ms 2008-05-08T03:15:26+12:00 Journal of Physiology James Lawson Catherine Lloyd In contrast to the earlier Purkinje fibre ionic current models of D. Noble (1962) and R.E. McAllister, D. Noble and R.W. Tsien (1975) (MNT model), the G.W. Beeler and H. Reuter 1977 model was developed to describe the mammalian ventricular action potential. Not all the ionic currents of the Purkinje fibre model are present in ventricular tissue; therefore, this model is simpler than the MNT model. The total ionic flux is divided into only four discrete, individual ionic currents. The main additional feature of the Beeler-Reuter ionic current model is a representation of the intracellular calcium ion concentration. University of Auckland Auckland Bioengineering Institute 2008-05-20T10:56:34+12:00 10000 10000 0.1 H Reuter James Lawson Richard 2008-05-20T11:41:27+12:00 1977-06-00 00:00 James Lawson Richard

This also works for the forced oscillator above and we can connect multiple models with this approach.

However, this example heavily relies on the internals of this package. Hence, I would ask if we could add some of the internals to the public API and keep them at least somewhat stable between versions.

I am also not sure if the new equation is constructed as intended (stimulus = getproperty(systems[comp], varname) ~ ifelse(t < 1.0, 0.5, 0.0)).

anandijain commented 1 year ago

However, this example heavily relies on the internals of this package. Hence, I would ask if we could add some of the internals to the public API and keep them at least somewhat stable between versions.

We love PRs! So we can definitely add stuff to the public API

This has been weighing on me for a while now: we may want to think about redoing this package to use libcellml with a jll. Then we can merge efforts with the libcellml people instead of having a bunch of slightly different implementations.

I tried to do a binary builder thing but there was funky stuff in the build that I couldn't quite get right.

I know this isn't exactly relevant to the problem you're solving but since you're actively doing CellMLTk stuff, I figured I'd let you know in case you want to pick it up.

termi-official commented 10 months ago

Sorry I could not really find time yet to tackle this. Just wanting to check if someone has dumped time into the rework. If not, what is the general idea here?

Related to this, my vision would be that we could try to extract components from the CellML file into MTK components. I have especially the idea in mind that we should have the possibility to e.g. extract the individual ion channels in their respective formulation (hodgkin-huxley, markov chain,...) or the calcium model or the sarcomere model, if we can either discover them automatically or if they are baked into the CellML model.

ChrisRackauckas commented 10 months ago

No one has done a substantial rework yet. Extracting this into the component based structure of MTK would be the right thing to do.

shahriariravanian commented 10 months ago

In JuliaCon, we talked about identifying CellML components and using Conductor.jl as a bridge to MTK. Of course, the problem is that CellML files do not include the relevant metadata. It should be possible to use pattern-matching to do the job (at least partially); however, it is not trivial and only worth it if there is enough interest.

termi-official commented 10 months ago

Indeed, if we have no meta information at all, then pattern matching (and normal forms) become something useful, but I need to think more about the exact patterns here. However, maybe a first step could be to extract components which are actually defined, as e.g. in this cellml tutorial . Still, not straight forward and I have to check libcellml again on how to do it.