Closed ChrisRackauckas closed 3 years ago
Found another case:
using DiffEqFlux, OrdinaryDiffEq, Flux, Optim, CUDA, DiffEqSensitivity, Test
CUDA.allowscalar(false) # Makes sure no slow operations are occuring
#generating exogenus signal and output signal
tspan = (0.1f0, Float32(10.0))
tsteps = range(tspan[1], tspan[2], length = 100)
t_vec = collect(tsteps)
ex = vec(ones(Float32,length(tsteps), 1))
f(x) = (atan(8.0 * x - 4.0) + atan(4.0)) / (2.0 * atan(4.0))
function hammerstein_system(u)
y= zeros(size(u))
for k in 2:length(u)
y[k] = 0.2 * f(u[k-1]) + 0.8 * y[k-1]
return y
ex = vec([ones(Float32,50,1) 2*ones(Float32,50,1)]) #exogenus signal
ex = ex'
ode_data = gpu(Float32.(hammerstein_system(ex))) #signal we want to predict
#Define the ode layer
nn_dudt = FastChain(FastDense(2, 8, tanh),FastDense(8, 1))
u0 = Float32[0.0]|> gpu
p = initial_params(nn_dudt)|> gpu
function dudt2(u,p,t,ex)
nn_dudt(vcat(u,ex[Int(round(t*10))]), p)
@test vcat(u0,ex[Int(round(1.0*10))]) isa CuArray
_dudt2(u,p,t) = dudt2(u,p,t,ex)
prob_gpu = ODEProblem(_dudt2, u0, tspan, nothing)
# Runs on a GPU
function predict_neuralode(p)
_prob_gpu = remake(prob_gpu,p=p)
gpu(solve(_prob_gpu, Tsit5(), saveat = tsteps, abstol = 1e-8, reltol = 1e-6))
function loss_neuralode(p)
pred =predict_neuralode(p)
N = length(pred)
l = sum(abs2, ode_data[1:N]' .- pred)/N
return l, pred
res0 = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_neuralode,p ,ADAM(0.01), maxiters=10)
res1 = DiffEqFlux.sciml_train(loss_neuralode,res0.minimizer,ADAM(0.01), maxiters=20)
sol = predict_neuralode(res0.minimizer)
sol = Array(sol)
Simple MWE:
julia> r = rand(Float32, 3) |> gpu;
julia> gradient((x,y) -> sum(vcat(x,y)), r, 5)
ERROR: scalar getindex is disallowed
[1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
[2] assertscalar(::String) at /home/dhairyalgandhi/.julia/packages/GPUArrays/WV76E/src/host/indexing.jl:41
[3] getindex at /home/dhairyalgandhi/.julia/packages/GPUArrays/WV76E/src/host/indexing.jl:96 [inlined]
[4] pull_block_vert at /home/dhairyalgandhi/Zygote.jl/src/lib/array.jl:100 [inlined]
[5] #437 at /home/dhairyalgandhi/Zygote.jl/src/lib/array.jl:105 [inlined]
[6] iterate at ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[7] collect_to!(::Array{CuArray{Float32,1},1}, ::Base.Generator{Base.OneTo{Int64},Zygote.var"#437#439"{CuArray{Float32,1},Tuple{CuArray{Float32,1},Int64},Array{Int64,1}}}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at ./array.jl:732
[8] collect_to_with_first! at ./array.jl:710 [inlined]
[9] _collect at ./array.jl:704 [inlined]
[10] collect_similar at ./array.jl:628 [inlined]
[11] map at ./abstractarray.jl:2162 [inlined]
[12] #436 at /home/dhairyalgandhi/Zygote.jl/src/lib/array.jl:105 [inlined]
[13] #2425#back at /home/dhairyalgandhi/.julia/packages/ZygoteRules/OjfTt/src/adjoint.jl:59 [inlined]
[14] #11 at ./REPL[29]:1 [inlined]
[15] (::Zygote.var"#41#42"{typeof(∂(#11))})(::Float32) at /home/dhairyalgandhi/Zygote.jl/src/compiler/interface.jl:40
[16] gradient(::Function, ::CuArray{Float32,1}, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at /home/dhairyalgandhi/Zygote.jl/src/compiler/interface.jl:49
[17] top-level scope at REPL[29]:1
which makes sense, since we would be doing scalar indexing to extract the partial of the number. Seems like this would be alright, but CUDA would get mad at pulling out a single number since vcat(::CuArray, ::Number)::CuArray
Writing a non-scalar indexing version would look a bit weird and might not be more performant. Maybe we could have better handling for wrapping things in CUDA.@allowscalar
Zygote.pull_block_vert(sz, Δ::CuArray, A::Number) = sum(Δ[sz:sz])
This is for the case with heavy scalar nonlinear code + a neural network. We'll need to figure out how to handle the backpass effectively.