SciML / DiffEqNoiseProcess.jl

A library of noise processes for stochastic systems like stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and other systems that are present in scientific machine learning (SciML)
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BrownianInterval type #74

Open ChrisRackauckas opened 3 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago this paper is something we might want to add @frankschae .

patrick-kidger commented 3 years ago

What might help - we have an implementation here, which includes a few fun things we didn't mention in the paper, like Levy area approximation via Davie-Foster approximations.

frankschae commented 3 years ago

Looks cool. Thanks a lot for the link @patrick-kidger ! I had a very quick look. I didn't know the Davie-Foster approximation but it looks very similar to the KPW scheme from:

Kloeden, P. E., Platen, E., & Wright, I. W. (1992). The approximation of multiple stochastic integrals. Stochastic analysis and applications, 10(4), 431-441

based on the Fourier expansion of a Brownian Bridge.. is it the same?

patrick-kidger commented 3 years ago

There are definite similarities between the two approaches. Technical point: there are two slightly different methods, Davie and Davie-Foster. What I say basically applies to both.

KPW approximates Brownian motion (technically the bridge) wrt a Fourier basis. Davie(-Foster) approximates Brownian motion wrt a polynomial basis.

KPW takes lots of terms in the sum to get order-1 strong convergence in e.g. a Milstein solver. Davie(-Foster) takes only a couple terms to get near-order-1 Wasserstein convergence. (Which sits between weak convergence and strong convergence.)

As I'm guessing you're aware, getting higher-order strong convergence is a bit of a nightmare, but it's also not obviously useful for lots (most?) applications. Meanwhile weak convergence is ubiquitously of interest in lots of the SDE literature, and Wasserstein convergence is ubiquitously of interest in lots of the GAN literature. So the practical upshot is that Davie(-Foster) is much cheaper than KPW, whilst usually still giving good convergence in a way that you care about. (Or not. I don't know what your applications are.)

References are as at the very end of Appendix B.2 of this paper. Main points:

mschauer commented 3 years ago

"Brownian tree", "Brownian interval"... it is still the same thing as B. Levy and C. Ciesielski's construction of Brownian motions by midpoint displacement, right?

patrick-kidger commented 3 years ago

Mathematically, pretty much yes. (Although the point of the Brownian Interval, over the Brownian Tree, is that it isn't restricted to using just midpoints.) The concern is computational -- memory management, handling approximation tolerances, etc.

mschauer commented 3 years ago

Have you seen ?

patrick-kidger commented 3 years ago

It's an interesting paper but I don't think I see the relevance to this discussion.

mschauer commented 3 years ago

Back to the topic. To understand correctly, different trees are compatible with a given partition of the interval

[0           T]       [0           T]
[0      t][t T]       [0 s][s      T]
[0 s][s t][t T]       [0 s][s t][t T] 

If I understand correctly they give different Brownian trajectories, so query order is important?

patrick-kidger commented 3 years ago

That is correct. Whether or not that's an issue depends on whether you actually need your solution to be deterministic wrt just the global entropy, and whether you are using a fixed or adaptive step size solver.

If you are using an adaptive step size solver and need this determinism, then unfortunately the best you can do is fall back to the Brownian Tree over the Brownian Interval. (Somewhat slower.) At least in terms of implementation this is quite easy to do as a special case of the Brownian Interval: in the case of the implementation linked above, this can be accomplished by passing halfway_tree=True, tol=<nonzero>. See also the bottom of

mschauer commented 3 years ago

Ah, thanks a lot, then I understand it.