SciML / DiffEqOperators.jl

Linear operators for discretizations of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML)
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Support for compact finite difference operators #278

Open stillyslalom opened 3 years ago

stillyslalom commented 3 years ago

Compact finite difference schemes are families of high-order implicit operators for derivatives on structured rectilinear or curvilinear grids, most commonly used for hyperbolic PDEs for their favorable dispersion and dissipation properties. They require the solution of a tridiagonal or pentadiagonal linear system α F' = A F for the derivative vector F', with the coefficients of the a and α matrices constrained by the following set of relations (from


stillyslalom commented 3 years ago

While DiffEq.jl principally focuses on efficient & flexible time integration routines, the (mis-)behavior of hyperbolic PDEs is often dominated by spatial errors, which readily explode when given the slightest chance. See section 2.4 of [1] for a brief overview of spatial error terms arising from common finite schemes when solving the advection equation.

[1] Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, D.R. Durran

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago

Yup, DifferentialEquations.jl is very time-focused, but the greater SciML ecosystem is made to cover things like spatial discretization and stuff like this, and yes it's definitely important as well.

jagot commented 3 years ago

Just FYI, CompactBases.jl has the lowest-order (tridiagonal multiply, tridiagonal solve) compact finite-differences scheme already implemented: Not very good support for other boundary conditions than Dirichlet0 yet.